I'm Crazy But I'm Not Done {Jalex}

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For the third time in as many days, Jack has convinced Rian to drive him to the gas station.

Not that he really needs anything there. Jack doesn't actually have a car or a license yet, and he already blew all his pocket change on enough candy to last him until August. On that note, he's pretty sure that Zack is sick of lending him money, but whatever. If Zack had a crush on someone who worked in retail, Jack would totally hook him up.

That's why he enlists Rian's help, by the way- his crush on Alex. Alex works at the gas station from three to nine every Monday through Friday afternoon. Jack has only been dreaming about Alex since middle school.

The only thing is, Alex is eighteen. Attractive eighteen-year-old college freshmen don't usually go for almost-sixteen-year-olds that are going into their sophomore years of high school after summer ends.

Still, their age gap has never stopped Jack from hoping.

He climbs into the backseat of Rian's car, since Zack is already inconsiderately relaxing in the passenger seat. "That's not fair," he says, and sticks his tongue out so Zack can see it in the rearview mirror.

"First come, first served," Zack gloats. Jack looks to Rian for help. The bastard has the audacity at him. Really, Jack should pick nicer friends.

"He's got a point. And you're the one asking me to waste my gas."

"Speaking of which, you gonna pay me back yet, Barakat?"

Jack rolls his eyes and sprawls out in the backseat. "Maybe. You gonna let me ride shotgun?"

"Never in your wildest dreams."

"There's your answer."

"Stop fighting or I'll turn this car around," Rian threatens. Jack almost points out that he hasn't left his driveway yet, but arguing will probably just cut into Alex time, so he keeps his mouth shut.

Zack answers for him anyways. "Let's go then, mom."


It's only just three when they arrive. Jack makes Rian drive around the block a few times.

"So I don't look desperate or anything," he explains.

Zack snickers. "You crossed that line a long time ago."

"We have been here every day since Monday, Jack," Rian pipes up as he rounds the corner. "You can only buy so many Snickers before a guy starts to wonder."

"Shut up. You guys are such dicks." Jack tosses his arms over the back of Rian's seat. "Why won't you let me pretend?" It's 3:05, so Rian's already started to pull into their usual parking space out front.

"Because we're dicks." Zack slams the car door shut and heads for the door before Jack can hit him. The clock on the dashboard glares 3:06. After grumbling a bit, Jack follows suit and climbs out. He darts into the store after Zack.

The bell above the door chimes and Alex looks over at him from the counter he's behind. "Look who finally showed up," he says cheekily, resting his elbows atop the polished counter. Jack would respond, really, but Alex is wearing this button-down shirt and he has his hair under a beanie and he looks just as perfect as always, so who could blame him for staring? He may sigh a bit too. Hey, nobody ever said Jack was smooth.

"Earth to Jack," Rian says, finally coming in. He gives Jack a little shove and Jack makes a (totally manly, thank you) sound. The contact almost sends him into a rack of greeting cards, but he manages to catch himself.

"You break it, you buy it," Alex chuckles.

Jack flips him off. "Enlighten me, Alex. How does one break a greeting card?"

"Who knows? I don't care as long as it isn't coming out of my paycheck."

Jack laughs a little, which makes Alex laugh. He decides that Alex's fucking laugh is probably what gives angels their wings and scurries off to join Zack in the candy aisle.

"Buy me a Snickers?"

"No way, that's a dollar I'll never be getting back."

Scrutinizing the rows of chocolate, Jack delivers a swift kick to Zack's shin. "But it's in the name of true love," he argues.

"Okay, I'll buy you the damn Snickers." Zack hands him two dollar bills and punches him twice.

"Have I ever tell you how much I love you?"

"Ew. Hopefully never."

Jack grins at him. He skips back to the counter and tosses down the delicious, chocolate-covered excuse to talk to Alex.

"That it for you?" Alex smiles his easy smile. Jack wills himself not to melt then and there.

"Um, unless these idiots want anything." He turns around to shout at Rian and Zack. "You idiots want anything?"

"Watch it, Jack, I'll leave you behind," Rian calls back.

"I'll take that as a no," Jack says and smiles back at Alex. His own smile pales in comparison, really.

The cashier rings him up. "Your total is a dollar twenty-five." He pulls three quarters from the cash register and puts them in Jack's palm.

"Thanks," Jack manages, though his head is reeling a little bit from the way Alex had brushed his hand.

Then his mind is wandering. Like, what if he and Alex actually held hands? The thought raises a blush on Jack's cheeks.

"See you tomorrow?"

"Hmm?" Jack pulls his hand back quickly and shoves the change into his pocket. He'll give it back to Zack later. Maybe.

Alex laughs again. "You three have been in almost every day, so I assume I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah, for sure. If I can get Rian to drive me. He's mean sometimes."

"Just for that, I'm not taking you anywhere, Barakat." Rian rocks up to Jack's side and hip-checks him. Maybe they're a little violent with each other, but what kind of best friends don't try to kill one another every once in awhile?

"You can't resist me, Dawson. Especially not if I pay you to chauffer me around."

Rian pokes at Jack's side. "What are you going to pay me in? Snickers? Lord knows you have enough of those."

That gets a grin from Alex. "Alright, kids, step away from the counter. I have paying customers with real money, you know." The gas station is deserted besides Jack and his friends, though. "But you're welcome to hang around if you want."

"I don't know, Jack has a lot of brooding to do this afternoon," Zack says. He's standing by the doorway. "Ready to rock and roll?"

"I take back what I said before." Jack takes his Snickers and starts towards the door. "I completely, one-hundred percent hate you."

"It's mutual." Zack opens the door. "Come on, Rian, we can kick Jack's ass at video games while he mopes on the ground,"

"Ooh, what's he moping about?" Alex asks, suddenly curious. Rian has to hide his laughter in his hand. Zack doesn't even bother hiding it.

Jack pushes his asshole friends out of the door. Yeah, he needs better ones for sure. "Nothing," he whines, "I'm not mopey! I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Alex."

"See ya," Alex says. He raises his hand in a lazy salute.

Rian and Zack are still cracking up when Jack got into the car.

"You're kinda-"

"Fucked, I know." Jack covers his face with his hands.

Zack raises an eyebrow. "I was going to say lame, but sure, that too."

I'm Crazy But I'm Not Done {Jalex}Where stories live. Discover now