Moonlit Bear

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  • Dedicated to All Vocaloid fans out there

During one, dark night in Eldoh's forest, a forest in the Elphegort kingdom, there was this woman wearing a black cloak, namely Eve Moonlit, who was out for a walk. The crows started making noises, the brushes started rustling, and the wind started blowing. She happened to come across 2 "apples" that were lying on the ground. Thinking it was a gift from God to grant her happiness, she picked them up without hesitation. Surely, this is a gift from God himself. Will he be happy if I bring them home with me...? I'm sure he will also cry from happiness... Quickly, let us return home. I know he will be happy if I showed these to him.

The woman ran briskly, she cannot wait to go home and show the two, red fruits to her husband. She held them tight, not even wanting them to fall off. The moon is shining brightly tonight... There might be some frightening animals lurking around. I must be careful...! After a while, she felt a cold chill under her spine. She felt like she was being chased by someone - No, something... The moon illuminated the bear's shadow quite clearly. She ran, ran and ran. Please forgive me... forgive me... I understand that these fruits are so important to you... But please, let me slip away... She kept on running, she stumbled, she looked back, she cried... The bear and the fruits too, cried. I won't give away this happiness... I won't ever hand them to no-one... The right path is already lost... Her eyes were furious... mad!


She finally reached home safely, caressing the red "apples". Finally, I'm safe, home sweet home! There, standing in front of her, was her husband, Adam Moonlit. He sighed, and smiled gently at the sight of his wife returning home safely. Eve happily showed him the "apples". But when Adam saw the "apples", he showed a very sad face. He was horrified by what his wife did. "My dear, our children are gone, they are not part of this world anymore... So please, give those newly-born infants back to their mother's side." he muttered. Eve's eyes widened. She was down to her knees, she screamed.

Oh God... I've commited the most unforgivable crime. I... I'm so sorry... Please let me keep these warm, tender, red fruits with me... I don't want to give them back!!! I want to cherish them!! "Don't worry, my dear. Don't lose hope. There's still time... If we return th-", he was disturbed. "No!!! There's no more time... I-I already killed them... I-I killed them through my one goals!!" she shuddered. The truth, with its fangs and claws, tore her heart apart. She cried.

Killed...? What does she mean...? Adam said in his mind. He peeked out the window, and there he saw it. A corpse of a bear, no, a corpse of a woman in red, is lying outside the Moonlit's residence. Beside her, is a basket filled with blooming roses, and a glass bottle... filled with milk. Adam made a long face. He didn't have any other choice. "We will keep them..." Adam said. Eve looked at him, tears flowing through her eyes. "We will take care of them..." he said.




- Like in its sequel, the moon is in associated to the lunacy and madness, which is reflected how Eve hallucinated distorting her view of the twins and their mother.


Eve Moonlit - Hatsune Miku 

Adam Moonlit - Shion Kaito 

Mother/Bear - Sakine Meiko 

Children/Apples - Kagamine Rin and Len

Original Story - Mothy/Akuno-P 

Song - Mothy/Akuno-P

Original Sin Series: Episode 1

Credits for: Mothy-sensei

Thanks for reading!!!

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