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         Iceland was bored out of his national mind.He had texted Hong Kong like five whole seconds ago,what the heck was taking so long!Jeez,it usually took Hong Kong two seconds to reply,he was a total of three seconds late.This annoyed Iceland because,without Hong Kong,he couldn't think of a plan to attract tourists to his home.They were seriously scarce.Even more so was that this day ITSELF pissed him off.For such a warm day,it brought with it the coldest of memories.Iceland could remember,when his human age was about ten,many years ago ,seven-teen years from that day.The vikings had made a new disovery.It was a massive piece of land.Even better,it brought along with it new people for the vikings to trade with.However,Iceland remembered his brother saying before the deal could be made,they had to track the personification of this country.Suddenly,from out of nowhere, a beautiful young child with middle length hair like gold and an almost silk-like garment appeared before them.She looked up at him and the next thing they saw were her eyes.They were the most wonderful combination of cyan and violet,and shone almost as brightly as the Northern lights themselves.Just like his eyes did.The vikings took a liking to the child, especially after she had agreed to the trade,of course she couldn't talk at the time and only nodded.This had absolutely delighted Sweden,Iceland's older cousin.He loved the idea of profit.Norway had been talking with the villagers later that night.They had said as long as they still get protection and military back-up,Norway and his family were MORE than welcome to take Vinland with them.After all,they did kind of own her now.But certainly not in the bad way.As a matter of fact,the nordics often spoiled her rotten.It wasn't like she didn't deserve it though.Thanks to her being around,the nordics had ceased much of thier self-quarrels to spend time with her.This was,as far as Iceland was concerned, a good thing.She had brought peace with her company.To them,she was their own princess of peace.Unknown to Iceland,she would never be treated that well again,sadly.Soon after however,something angered Vinland's neighbouring village,and caused a civil war.

"Vinland could of made it,if only we weren't too late."Iceland hissed darkly to himself. It was true.

           Unfortunateley, because of the distance between the nordic nations and Vinland,even their best ships just weren't good enough.It didn't help that,being the peace loving country she was, Vinland didn't know how  to fight back.The nordics reached her just as her country was falling.A rebel villager was chasing poor Vinland into the forest.Unfortunately,unbeknownst to all but the culprit,it was a trap.There were many enemy soldiers in the forest.Sadly, that's not what caused her to fall.Right in front of her entire new found family's eyes,The enemy soldiers threw a torch into the forest after evacuating,and what happened next was too horrible and saddening for poor Iceland to remember without trembling,so tremble he did and for a good reason.All Iceland could see through closed eyes was his younger self watching horrified,as the forest once so beutiful now hideous with the blood of their allies soaking the ground,intestines everewhere,...Iceland had to take a moment to breathe before he continued reminiscing so he didn't start sobbing.That would just be embarrasing.After catching his breath because he held it for so long,contued to replay the gruesome memory.Right before his younger, innocent self was the once beautiful forest his little sister was trapped in, going up in flames quicker than the torch that had started it.

The image had been so shocking Iceland's older brother,who had really never been shocked at anything,stared wide eyed at the fire in disbelief.He even tried to cover young Iceland's eyes before Iceland rebelliously pushed his hand away.What they heard next was so shocking that while playing the memory back,he had to cover his ears.Vinland's first,and as far as they knew,last words.


Suddenly a loud,and in Iceland's opinion,murdereous cry of"Down With Vinland, New Nederlands Will Riegn Supreme" could be heard.These were also,as far as the Nordics concern went,this foolish mortals last words as well.

Before the traitor could continue his barbaric speech on how proud of himself he was that he killed an innocent little girl,an arrow shot right through his neck.The culprit behind this was none other than Sweden's best friend, Finland.Clear as day Iceland could remember his eyes.As kind as his eyes had once been,Finland's eyes had been replaced with watery violet, almost, orbs wide with both anger and shock.

"How dare you!"Finland spat.     "She was just a kid, an innocent little girl who even showed you mercy,mercy that you didn't deserve!"    "Sweden,get your broad sword ,Denmark AX NOW,these fuckers WILL pay!"

        "An eye for an EYE!"Finland commented as he shot a Nederlands soldier straight in the eyeball.   "A country for a COUNTRY!" Finland finished his commentary as he began to slay all of those who had betrayed his new  sister  and payed tribute to her gruesome demise. He even manage to lure some soldiers into the same flame engulfed forest that she herself had perished in.Iceland remembered taking part in it himself by cheering both Sweden and Denmark on as they hacked their way through countless enemy soldiers,Finland in the trees sniping like the true soldier he was.He even remembered,horrified,as he cheered extra loud as Sweden managed to split someone's head in half.Realizing what he had done,his younger self quickly became quiet.

    Finally,with the battle over,the nordics easily the victors. All poor Iceland could  remember was his poor big brother trying to search the still burning forest for his little Vinny,how Norway had to be held back by all of the Nordics at once.All except him and Iceland of course.After Norway was forcefully thrown onto the viking ship, he wouldn't cooperate otherwise,the rest of them boarded soon after.

   Iceland remembered the ice that started to grow in his brother's heart soon after their princess of peace had left them.Soon after they had stopped grieving,Norway shut himself away and quit speaking to Iceland and all the other nordics in general.He remembered how coldly Norway had started to treat Denmark.; So coldly, in fact,it led to domestic violence at times.Finland was so depressed he even let Russia conquer him.He was rescued soon after,but he didn't care either way.Denmark became obsessed with beer,Norway eventually just let him. let him get drunk, he just didn't care anymore.But the worst effect were the wars that came after.

        Because the personification of said country was presumed dead,the nordics began to fight about who should take the land for themselves.Because of Norway's new violent tendencies,he won the war with ease.He had managed to defeat all the oppsing nordics except Finland and Iceland.Iceland had of course been on Norway's side,being his only blood-related brother.Finland ,on the other hand,felt it was morally wrong to fight over the property of someone who had passed so soon ,let alone someone who had died a child.

      Iceland's family had fallen apart,and he needed his princess of peace to help him.What he'd give to regain peace in his family and ,HELL,just to SEE her agin would be nice. 

 AUTHOUR'S NOTE                                                                                                                                                    Yeah I forgot to put this in the first chapter but, incase it isn't obvious.I don't own Hetalia.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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