One? Two?!!

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Jin P.O.V

The atmosphere is a bit different from a few hours ago, now if you look at us you would be able to see a hope filling them.

Jimin is going to be alright, he is going to wake up no matter how much weak he is going to be.

No matter how long it is going to take for him to recover.

No matter if even he won't be able to function properly.

We are quite content with him being awake and with us.

Jungkook had fallen asleep two hours ago from how tired he was, Taehyung doing the same after an hour.

Both of them are drained both physically and emotionally.

We all are tired but these two took the hardest blow knowing that they are the cause of this, of course we aren't blaming them for the act of this sick person, but we all can't help but think that all of this shouldn't happen.

I look at the rest of the guys and decides to break the silence.

" Do you think that Jimin is going to fully recover? "

" I'm not really sure Jin hyung, but from what the doctor said, there is going to be some lasting damage. " Namjoon answers me being his knowledgeable self.

" I don't care as long as he is with us " Hoseok says to us.

" But what if he won't be able to sing or dance or both? It would kill him. As much as I love Jimin and want him to always stay with us, if that happens he wouldn't be able to stay with us " Yoongi adds while looking down.

Suddenly we hear Jungkook says and we all jump in surprise.

" I won't let him stay away from me! I caused him enough pain already and to just let him go isn't acceptable! "

" I have to agree with Jungkook, we caused all of this so we wouldn't want Jimin to be away from us. We don't care if we spend the rest of our lives taking care of him. And no one could change our minds. " Taehyung says with surprisingly calm voice.

And again we jump in surprise as the door opens and we fing PD nim standing in front of us again.

" I'm glad to hear that, especially from both of you Jungkook and Taehyung. Now I need the two of you for a bit, we have discovered something and I'm not sure of how you are going to react to it. But first I need to check something. "

With that he leaves us all puzzled by his words.

" What does he mean? " I ask everyone, and as I expected no one knows.

We all sigh and just decide to sleep. I close my eyes hoping for the best.

I groan as the light hits my face cursing whoever left the curtains open in my room, as I open my eyes I remember what happened as I see the white walls of the hospital room.

My eyes roam around the room just to settle on a caramel pair of eyes, still in a sleep state I don't think about it twice but a few minutes later my mind catch up and my eyes return to the same pair again, just for me to gasp loudly waking everyone up.

" Jimin! You are awake! " I say not believing my eyes

He moans in pain and closes his eyes again.

" NoNoNoNoNo, come on chimchim open these pretty eyes for us " Taehyung says as he holds Jimin's hand.

" Please wake up hyung, don't go back to sleep. " Jungkook also holds Jimin's other hand as we all surrounding his bed.

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