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Season 3, right after Trials Of The Darksaber

Sabine looked down. She could see Fenn Rau, Kanan and Ezra kneeling before her. They pledged themselves to her, and her cause. She was as official as it was going to get. She was going to have to go home. She was going to have to face them. It always hurt to think about that possibility, but she felt a spike of pain in her heart when she knew she was definitely going back now, once she was ready. It wasn't a possibility now, it was a certainty.
But she had to do it. For them.
"Okay..." She whispered, swallowing her anxiety. "I'll go. I'll go back"
Sabine wanted them all to stand up, now. She didn't like being bowed before. Though, if they wanted her to lead her people...she may have to get used to it.
"Sabine, are you crazy?" She thought. "Who would ever bend the knee for you? They're only doing it because they don't know the whole truth. They don't understand..."
None of them did. Not even Fenn Rau and he was Mandalorian. Oh, what was she THINKING!? No, there's no way this could work! She was Dar'manda, she was a disgrace and all her people hate her...even her family wants nothing to do with her! And worst of all, she couldn't blame them. Even she knew it.
"Hey, it's alright" Kanan comforted her, standing up and touching her arm. "We still have a lot of training to do before you can go back"
Ezra stood up. He saw Sabine standing with the Darksaber loosely in her hands and her eyes on the ground. She was sad. Very sad. That emotional outburst was unlike anything Ezra saw from her. All those years of being distant and those repressing feelings...he saw before his eyes what happened when they all just exploded out of her. Ezra thought he learned more about her in the last ten minutes than all the years he knew her combined.
"And when you're ready..." Rau began, now rising. "You can unite Mandalore with that symbol in your hands"
Sabine wanted to believe them. She nodded, but she couldn't truly get behind those words. Rau placed his hand on her shoulder, she looked in his eyes.
"You aren't Dar'manda, Sabine" He assured her. "We all make mistakes"
She shook her head slightly.
"None as big as mine" She croaked.
Fenn Rau was quiet...he wasn't able to respond to that. Sabine tightly gripped The Darksaber. It was going to hurt...but she had come this far. She had to see this through to the end, now.
"...I'm going to do it" She promised firmly, looking at Kanan. "I'll do it for you...and Hera...and The Rebellion"
Kanan nodded. She wasn't ready yet, but when she was? He was certain she'd make him proud. Today had been very productive. Sabine wouldn't be able to do this if she was being distant as she always had been. Getting her to open up was clearly painful for her and it took a lot of pushing, but it was necessary.
"Thank you, Sabine" He said gently. "We've done enough for today. We'll start again tomorrow morning sharp. C'mon, you need to get some rest...its been a long night"
He said that to both Ezra and Sabine, before walking back to camp, taking the practice sticks with him.
"I'll return tomorrow" Fenn Rau said to Sabine. "To offer...moral support. Get familiar with those vambraces, too. Kanan is right when he said you require proper training with the Darksaber, but a Mandalorian should become adept with all their tools"
They'd make a true Mandalorian leader out of her, yet.
Sabine nodded and gave a weak smile. Fenn Rau gave his farewells to Sabine, and patted Ezra's shoulder on his way off, taking his speeder to head back to base. Ezra watched them go, before looking at Sabine. She just started wandering off aimlessly, holding her arms and...quietly crying. His heart sank. He was definitely looking at a side of Sabine that he'd never seen before, or thought he would see. It was a painful thing to see, and he wouldn't forgive himself if he headed back with Kanan now, leaving Sabine to mend herself alone.
"Ah don't do this to me, Sabine..." He said to himself.
He had to follow after her again, as he did a few hours ago. No doubt, she was used to him being concerned over her by now. Maybe now, unlike previous times, she'd be more open to him after being cracked by Kanan.

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