Part 5:
(Matt's pov for a change)
I can not remember what happened last night. There are only a few bits that I can remember;
~Cameron made out with a hot girl (even though he is dating Sienna)
~Nash met a girl at the bar (that's okay because he's single)
~Taylor attacked Aaron
~Carter went off early, probably to cheat on Kylie (His girlfriend, but I wouldn't be surprised if she soon turns into his ex after what happened last night) with that... The fuck he did not. Fucking hell he did not. He did not freaking go there...
Carter went off with Dakota.
My best friend went off, and probably slept with, my sister.
That dude did not freaking go there.
He's messed up a lot of times, but never this much.
This guy does not know what will come for him.
I finally woke up, and looked down. It broke my heart to see Arya like this. She was lying her head on me and sobbing her eyes out, her face was red and tears were streaming down her face and she was struggling to breathe. I've never seen her like this before.
She was crying way too much, I knew it was me who caused it.
I immediately started panicking. I lifted my head up off the towel/pillow Arya must have put there and rubbed her back trying to comfort her.
"Arya! I'm so sorry! Please! I feel so terrible! Arya please! Listen to me! Please forgive me! I hate seeing you like this! It's all my fault, I'm so sorry! Please, look at me! I love you!" I whispered/cried.
(Arya's pov)
"Arya! I'm so sorry! Please! I feel so terrible! Arya please! Listen to me! Please forgive me! I hate seeing you like this! It's all my fault, I'm so sorry! Please, look at me! I love you!"
Matt's words made me cry even harder. He was really worried about me. I didn't want him to feel like this. He shouldn't be crying. I feel so bad, I don't know what to so. He was crying harder than I had ever seen him before. He was struggling to breathe, and I could see tears building up in his eyes as he spoke.
I lifted myself up so I sat opposite him. He held my hands and bit his bottom lip, trying not to cry any more. I couldn't control myself but to stare into his hazel eyes as we both cried. We sat there looking into eachother's crying eyes as I realised just how much he means to me, and just how much I love him.
I jumped forward and hugged him as tight as I could. I thought I had lost him. As he hugged me back, he rubbed my back, comforting me, I realised just how much he I needed him.
He could always comfort me when I was upset. His hugs instantly made me feel better. He put me before himself. He cared about me so much. I hated to see him like this. I had made him cry, and that hurt me so much.
I cried into his neck as he cried, resting his forehead ontop of my head. We were both shaking so hard and struggling to breathe that he placed a kiss on my forehead as he was trembling. He held his soft lips on my forehead for a few seconds as he struggled to breathe.
He pulled away from me as he whispered, "Arya! I'm so sorry! I wish I could take last night back! I really do! I wish I didn't lie to you! If you hate me then I understand, just please, forgive me! I'm so sorry Arya! I should've at least told you where I was going! Please don't get mad at me, I need you, you are the only person keeping me happy! You know I love you more than anything else! Arya! Please stop crying! I love you so much!" he finished, crying uncontrollably.
He squeezed me so tight and just sat there and cried. I had never seen him like this before. I don't think anyone had ever seen him like this before.