Mokuna ʻEwalu

212 7 6

Hellooooo Dearies,

I am so sorry for not updating this in like what? A year almost? I have been so busy and to be quite honest I kind of stopped keeping up with the fandom... Im so sad. BUT I WILL CONTINUE WRITING BECAUSE IT IS MY WORLD.

Hope you all enjoy it <3


Josh and I lay cuddling on the bed in serene silence. My chest was stirring with all the things that I knew needed to be said but I didn't want to ruin this moment just yet. This was the first time Josh and I were together and not fighting for the past few days and I wasn't about to change that. 

I burrowed my face into his chest and inhaled his smooth, masculine scent deeply. Letting it fill my lungs and encompass me as his arms did. His strong fingers worked their way through my unrluy wavy hair in a mesmerizing rythm. I loved this man, I really did.

I remember the first time I met him. We got on really well. Harry was having a gathering at his flat and I hadn't seen him in months because he was so busy with his new boy band lifestyle. I was extremely awkward and self conscious about being in a room with strange men I had never met before. Everyone was on the deck outside or by the pool and I remained inside on the couch, hugging my knees against my chest staring at the program that was playing on the telly. 

Josh came inside and sat on the opposite side and I remember my chest constricting. I didnt dare take a good look at him-- he's going to think I'm checking him out. I chewed at my bottom lip trying my hardest to actually pay attention to the flashing images on the screen, but it was proving to be extremely difficult.

"What are you watching?" He drawled in an extremely attractive accent.

"Uhh. I honestly dont know." I replied lamely. Mentally slamming the butt of my palm into my forehead. Really, Melissa? You couldn't have just tried to play it off?

He chuckled and I felt the cushion next to me sink a bit, which meant he had taken to scooting closer. I dared to glance at him, taking in his matching chocolate brown hair and eyes. He hada strong jawline and one side of his mouth quirked up into a devilish smirk. Wow, he was hot.

"So, youre Melissa right? Harry's American cousin?"

I laughed a little. It was more because of my nerves rather than at what he said. "That would be me." I said with a hint of humor in my tone. He laughed, which helped me calm down. So he obviously doesnt find me bland.

"Well, its very nice to make your aquaintance. I'm Josh"


I sighed at the end of my reminiscing, my emotions were all over the place and I felt stupid. I felt like I was falling in a deep chasm, spinning and swirling and there was no way for me to stop. I loved Josh, I wanted to be with him, but I hated having to conceal our relationship. I hated having to act like I was with Niall and he was with some broad. 

He seemed to have picked up on my mood and his arms tightened around me. "What's wrong, my love?" he whispered softly in my ear. 

For some stupid, unknown reason my eyes began to burn warning me of the imminent tears that were about to form. I took deep breaths, attempting to ward them off, but they rolled slowly down my face. I was thankful that he was behind me and couldn't see, but that didnt seem to matter. He knew anyway.

"Melissa?" he said, concern laced heavily in his voice. He shifted and turned me so that we were facing each other. "What's wrong?"

I took a shaky breath. "I think you know what's wrong." my voice came out thick and breathy.

He stayed quiet for a few moments, chewing on his lip and contemplating his answer. He gently ran his fingers down the side of my face and cupped my cheek with his large hand. He placed a gentle kiss on my nose. "Melissa, I know that me having a beard upsets you, trust me, I dont want it any more than you dont want it. But I love you and nothing can ever change that, okay?"

I didnt reply for a while and he let out a sigh. "Okay?" he repeated.

I nodded and buried my face in his chest, already feeling better.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Just a college student at Uni, moved to the U.K. from here. The story is supposed to be that we were once classmates and childhood friends, and shes visiting us on tour. Her name is Arielle Masters or something like that."

I just nodded, not knowing if I should continue asking about her. I wanted to know more about my boyfriends "girlfriend" but I also didnt want to. I already felt jealousy rear its ugly head and bubble around in my chest. 

I knew that I had no right to, but I already started to hate Arielle Masters. 

"Melissa..." Josh started and I could sense the slight apprehension in his tone, and I knew that the next words that would come out of his mouth would put me in a bad mood.


"Management wants us to go out tomorrow night..." 

I tried to subdue the irritation that ignited within me, but I failed. "Wants who to go out tomorrow night?" I grumbled even though I knew the answer.

"Arielle and I." his voice was soft and quiet, sounding much like a child telling his parents that it was in fact he who drew on the walls, waiting for the repercussions.

"Not a chance in hell." 

He gave me a funny look, "What?"

"I said, not a chance in hell."

"We have no choice! Management told us we had to!" 

"Well you can tell them that the date can wait." I said petulantly. I was acting foolish, I know. But I couldnt help it. Would you want your boyfriend to go out on a cute date with someone other than you?

"Then Niall and I are coming along."

"What? No you cant!"

"Why the hell not? It sounds like you want to go on this date." 

"Of course I don't! But I dont want us to get in any more trouble than we already are!"

I snorted. "Niall and I, you and Arielle. What better way to make it clear to the public that we aren't with each other than going on a double date with our other partners?"

He sighed and rubbed his face with irritation. "Fine. Whatever. But you're acting dumb."

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me, getting off the bed and grabbing my purse.

"I dont see why youre so against this idea." I said placing my hands on my hips.

"Where are you going?" he said sitting up in the bed.

"Out." I shot at him and left the room.


Idk, I really need to brush up on my writing, I know. But here it is! I might go back and change some of this later but Id really appreciate feedbacka nd suggestions! Shoot me an inbox! And thank you for all the votes and comments! I love youu alllllll.

-"Kae" xx

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