chapter 10❤

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Iyna's p.o.v

I got home so exhausted, Tobi met me from the kitchen holding a plate of pancake in her hand eating.

"She's finally the work is 14 hours "She said sitting down.

"Obviously, and i'm so tired , gosh that guy is really crazy ,he let me do everything, i'm so exhausted as if it's not enough the bastard gave me a file to work on again"I said .

Tobi chuckled and I stare at her .

"Your boss is really nice....I didn't know he was this charming"she says smiling.

I stare at her tired of how she thinks this situation is funny when isn't not.

"Tobi this isn't Fair , each time i complain to you you just laugh and say something different,did you even hear what I said ?" I asked eyeing her.

"Yes...I did....but you know,i think it's your level of job,besides your his P.A be expecting to do so many works ....this is just the beginning girl " she said .

And i look at her with wide mouth , I feel like slaping her.

"Your so stupid Tobi...your not even the Tobi of before again...your siding the idiot instead of me ...I just feel like slapping you "I said .

But i'm just joking, slap my best friend?

She looked at me with wide eyes.
"Oops!...sorry girlfriend, but before you slap Me...I need to go back to the kitchen, as you can see the pancake is finished from the plate...I need it to have strength"she said and got up .

Jezz Tobi has finally gone mad.

I Chuckled and stood up to my room,.

After I showered,ate I got ontop of my bed took my laptop and the file and start working on it , my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID,it was my brother Raymon calling.

"Hey Ray" I said happily.
"Beauty are you ?"he asked .

"i'm  good ,how is everyone over there ?" I asked happy to hear from him .

"Everyone is fine, I was Missing you terribly so I called , grandma wants to talk to you "he says .

"Please give her "I said .

Waiting to hear my grandma's voice .

"Iynaama" my grandma said cheerfully in the phone i smiled widely .

"Grandma are you ?"I asked happily.

Suddenly wishing to see her.
"i'm okay are you doing there ...I hope you ain't stressing my dear ?"She asked lovingly.

"No granny ...i'm okay ...I've even gotten a job ,and it's in a big company" I said .

"Oh  i'm so happy my dear, we are seriously missing you here dear...I just wish your here, but you have to go wasn't easy being here my child just needed space "she said worriedly and I could feel shes about to cry .

I couldn't help the tears that Fell from my eyes , one thing you should know is i'm very emotional just like my granny, guess you already figured out.

"Grandma.. please don't cry, I understand, I will come to visit some time .. please don't be sad "I said cleaning my tears from my cheek.

"I know my dear ,..i'm just being emotional again "she laughed .

I smiled .
"How is mother ... can i talk to her ?" I asked hoping i can.

I just want to hear her voice.

"Iyna know how your mom is...she said she doesn't want to talk to you "she says and I cried silently.

When will she ever love me? Was it my fault that she gave birth to me , i'm so innocent yet i'm suffering for another person's sin.

"Okay ..granny should take care of your self okay,..make sure you take your medication,dont starve your self know it's not good for your health."I say .

I'm really trying to keep myself from crying out loud.

"Oh my dear Raymon is taking care of me, even your mom, and i'm getting better ....I want you to take care of your self more child remember you need to be careful,dont let your mother's past hunt you both have different life's, my dear I know you said you won't love any man or ever give anyone a chance, but once you see whom your heart desires even your heart won't stop you .... please my child , learn to love and blessing is always with you " she says sadly.

I took a deep breath.
"Alright grandma I will try should rest now "i said .

"Okay dear goodnight" she says.

"Goodnight grandma"I said and hanged up.

I took a deep breath after dropping my phone on the bedside table,and whip the little tears in my eyes .

I wont cry , i'm strong .

With deep breaths I continued with the file arrangements,after about 30 minutes sleep came and I fell asleep Thinking about what my grandma had said to me .

*Once you see whom your heart desires even your heart can't stop you*

*Learn to love and beloved*

And it kept ringing

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