chapter 26❤

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Iyna's p.o.v

Nicholas picked me up the following morning and we drove to the company, he came out and opened my door for me , I thanked him and came out .

He placed his hand on my waist and we both walked into the company, I was so shy cause everyone was looking at us and with the way his hand was around me I feel so uncomfortable,.

We reached my office door and he pulled me to him.

"Nicholas...what are you doing? I asked.

"I want to kiss you "he said moving his head down, I use my eyes to scan if anyone was coming.

"Nicholas...we are outside let's not do it here" I said trying to push him .

"Iyna you must kiss me or I won't leave you "he said stubbornly I signed and tip_toe and perked him, but he pulled me at once and deepened the kiss.

He pulled away and smirked at me then wink.

"Gosh you this man" I muttered.

He chuckled Kiss my cheek and went to his office, I turned and enter mine.

I head out of my office later to go make coffee for Nicholas suddenly Rose and Andy rushed me.

"Oh my gosh you guys scared me" I said.

"Iyna gist us....what happened between you both, Mr hensmith suddenly looks happy and he even held your waist " rose says cheerfully.

"It's not usual of him to do that , I think there's something going on... please Iyna tell us we are your friends' Andy pout like a girl.

I Chuckled

"Promise me you won't tell anyone"i said.

"Pinky promise"they both said.

I looked around and saw no one I face them.

"We are dating" I whispered.

They both gasped.

" real Dating? Rose asked .

I nodded.
"Am not surprised....I was expecting it" Andy said.

"Oh Andy how could you be so wicked ....after you and I are like this " rose crossed her fingers.

"Yet you noticed and you didn't tell me " she faked a angry face .

"Well I thought you will notice since your a girl , it seems as if boys do the work well this days" Andy said and I Chuckled.

"Umm I need to go , I have to make coffee for him" I said

"Am so happy for you girl, "rose hugged me.

"Yeah me too"Andy replied.

I nodded and I left to the kitchen to make him coffee .

My phone started ringing it was my grandma Calling I happily picked it up.

"Hello granny ..."I said happily.

"Oh iynaama how are you ? She asked .

"Am fine granny , how are you doing how is your health? I asked .

"Am getting better dear "she said .

"Granny I was actually planning to call you I want to tell you something" I said.

"Go on my dear "she said .

" " I said .

She gasped.
"Oh my world.... finally you open your heart....tell me who is the lucky man? She asked.

"'s my boss "I said .

"You fell for your he an old man...oh my god I hope he isn't an old man ...."she said worriedly.

I laughed .
"Granny of course not, his a very young man , maybe his elder then me for 3 or 2 " I replied.

She gave a sign of relief.

"Oh my dear , that's nice then am happy for you ....I hope we will be introduced soon? She asked.

"Yes granny ...."I replied.

"Okay dear ....I will look forward to that, bye" she said .

"Bye , " I smiled and hanged up.

Am so happy.
I finally made the coffee I knocked on his door and i heard come in.

He smiled at me, and got walking to me ,I smiled .
"You shouldn't knock next time , just enter "he said pulling me gently to him

I blushed.
"Nicholas you should drink your coffee before it gets cold " I said.

He kissed my hair collected the coffee and dropped it on the desk , he rest on tge desk and pulled me between his legs .

He started kissing my neck .

" should really start working" I try to pull away .

"Common Iyna ....I don't have anything to do about we go to my house? He said .

I looked at him surprised.
"Your house? I asked surprised.

"Yes" he replied.

"When do you suddenly become so lazy Mr hensmith? I teased him playing with his shirt .

"Since the day I heard your lips on mine.....I wanna kiss you Everytime and never stop" he replied.

I blushed.
"I see ...."I replied smiling.

He pulled my head down and was about to kiss me.

"Nicholas...anyone could enter ...."I try to get him to stop.

"No one will dare open my office without knocking," he said .

And he kissed my neck as I closed my eyes and feel his lips on my skin , then we started kissing passionately.

God his just like a drug to me , he lifted me up and placed me on the desk and stood between my legs , he mistakenly knocked the coffee down.

"Oh my gosh".
"Shit" we both said at the same time and chuckled.

"Look at what you've done " I said looking at the broken cup on the floor

"We will clean it later " he says and kissed me again.

I kissed him back and soon he was undoing my botton while I was doing his too .

Suddenly the door flung open and we jerked apart to see who dare entered like that .

And my eyes widen at the sight , Nicholas looked like his about to murder someone.

"Sir I really try to stop her , but she refused" Miranda the Secretary explained.

Who else......?

Of course it's Dorris.

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