chapter 8

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Halloween night is almost here!

So here's a picture to give you a fright!

Natsu POV:

Finally! We've arrived at the place where Lucy is supposably held captive.

Except there's one problem...

The freaking place look like a tsunami tan through the place!

People sat in trees, some lied dead on the ground.

One man was mumbling about a blonde demon.

Walking forward, I watched as Erza asked about Lucy.

The mans eyes widened I anger, before he roared," that Witch! When I find her, I'll torture her worse than before! I'll skin her alive and eat her toes!"

Lunging forward, I wrapped a hand around his neck, then snapped his neck.

The others watched in horror as I tore him apart.

After a few minutes, I started walking away.

I heard the others follow slowly behind me, as we slowly continued our search.

* One week later*

The team and I are currently sitting in a bar called Love and Lucky, in a town called Obsidian.

There's a rumour that every night at midnight, a celestial goddess comes and preforms at this bar.

The time is currently 11:59.

Once the clock strikes midnight, we watch as the doors open, and Lucy casually walks in, and stands on the stage.

I feel like dancing and singing, like a billion pounds have been lifted off my chest.

After so long, I finally found her.

Then, I hear her soft voice, the soft melody of heavens choir.

" Hey guys! So as you all know, tonight is my last night here, before I continued my search for a very special person.

I went into a year long coma, and when I woke up, I was told that my best friend and partner was dead.

I didn't believe them, so I started to look for him. And when I find him, I'm going to hug him and tell him how much I love him."

I felt like I had died and went to heaven.

She loves me!

She then started to sing.

The men in the bar gave a standing novation, and Lucy only smiled.

I couldn't take it anymore.

Walking forward, I walked on stage.

I watched as Lucy's eyes widened, before she launched herself into my arms.

The people in the bar cheered as I leaned down and captured her lips.

Finally, I have my mate back.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Anyway, yaaay, they finally found each other!

Let's see if they can stay together or if something or someone takes them away from each other.

With love, ng out

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