chapter 9

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Lucy POV:

Im so happy! Finally, I've found Natsu, and h-he KISSED ME!?

While I was thinking, I suddenly felt a familiar surge of power.

Snapping my head back, I saw the group trapped in a cage made out of white magic.

Which means...

" Lucy, my dearest fiance, it's been so long since I've seen you. How are you? Are you ready to become my wife!"

I watched as Natsu tried to grab the bars, only to reel back, hissing in pain.

Knowing I was alone on this one, I took a deep breath, before turning around, with the world's biggest smile upon my face.

" Sting heeeeeeyyy, um how are you? And why are you here?"

Sting looked at me with a look of fake love.

"I'm here to bring you home, so we can get married!"

Smiling even wider, I walked towards Sting until we were less than an inch apart.

" Oh Stingy-bee, as amazing as that sounds... I'm not interested."

I then punched him in the face, and did that for awhile, before I heard him laugh.

" Lucy you can stop now! I was just joking! I'm already in love with someone else, I was just testing you. Lucy, I'm here to say goodbye."

He stood up, and limped away.

Before he left, he said one last thing.

" Yukino."

Smiling to myself I whispered softly.

" Natsu."

He nodded his head, before slowly disappeared.

I sighed happily.

Finally, I could live happily.
Turning around, I was instantly wrapped in warm, loving arms.

I suddenly felt very comfortable and tired.

Right before I fell asleep, I heard Natsu whisper quietly.

" I'll tell her when she wakes up."

Hey guys!

This story will be ending very soon.

Also, I'm sorry for not updating 😫.

I have been very sick.

Please forgive me.

Please forgive me

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Love you all...

Tiffany aka my code name.

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