Never Good Enough (Preciousmetalshipping)

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Warning: This story contains a tremendous amount of feels, mentions of suicide, and death of pokemon. You have been warned. Enjoy.

Silver couldn’t believe his eyes as he saw Gold walk away from him and towards the Elite Four. Gold had beaten him not only once, but seven times. What was he doing wrong? How did this little brat beat him over and over again? Silver was never good enough and today’s battle had only further proved that point.

“I’m done,” Silver hissed through clenched teeth. He returned his fainted feraligatr back into his pokeball.

The redhead walked to Nurse Joy’s counter and had her heal his pokemon. Once she was finished, Silver stormed out of the building and let out a frustrated scream. He felt tears of anger well up in his eyes and he didn’t hesitate to let them roll freely down his cheeks and onto the ground.

I’m NEVER good enough.

Why can’t I win?!

Silver angrily wiped away his tears and called out his crobat to fly to Mt. Silver. The security guard wouldn’t let him enter into Mt. Silver, so he decided to take an alternative route – flying.

Silver could hear the security guards screaming at him to come back or they would have to use force. The teen didn’t care at all. He was used to dealing with authority figures trying to stop him from accomplishing certain tasks. He wanted to go to Mt. Silver to clear his head of all of his failure. He wanted to end it for good. Silver took a look back at the security guards, which he instantly regretted. They were riding after him on pidgeots, pointing guns at him – real, dangerous guns that could kill him.

“If you do not land, we will shoot,” one of the security guards shouted, adjusting his grip on the pistol in his hands.

He wanted to die, but at his own hands – not a stranger’s.

Silver let out a small yelp and clung onto his crobat’s neck as it made a sharp turn into some of the trees.

“Dammit, we lost him!” Silver could hear one security guard say.

“Forget him. He’ll die out there in the cold,” the other security guard scoffed.

Crobat flew high onto the summit of Mt. Silver. Once they landed, Silver thanked his pokemon and returned him to his pokeball. Silver thought back to what people had always told him.

“Create a bond with your pokemon and nothing can stop you from winning,” Silver said out loud.

But the thing is – he did create a bond with his pokemon. How else could he have evolved his golbat into a crobat?He treated all of his pokemon with love and care after the first couple of failed battles with his rival Gold.


Silver cringed at the name. He couldn’t believe he had fallen for the man. He couldn’t resist the other teen’s stupid smile, the way his eyes lit up when he saw Silver, his determination to be the very best like no one ever was, and oh Arceus those perfectly shaped lips.

The redhead let out a frustrated cry and fell to his knees. He punched the snow beneath him and let out more tears of frustration. How could this happen? Why did this happen?

Silver never asked to fall in love with his rival – it just happened. He wasn’t gay. He was completely into women – or at least he thought he was. Silver thought back to how many women he had ever found attractive and realized that he never even focused on the attractiveness of anyone… except for one person – Gold. He was too busy trying to not be a failure to even think about how attractive someone is, but apparently, Gold was special. And he wished to Arceus that he could just forget about that son of a bitch who ruined his life.

Never Good Enough (Preciousmetalshipping)Where stories live. Discover now