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Sasori watched her sleep, despite it being creepy. He was quite excited to finally be with Lilith again. He was also confused and curious. When they had fought Granny Chiyo and Sakura, he had left Lilith in their care. He was too weak at the moment to bring her with him.

He had stumbled through the woods, for the first time he felt tired. He made it to a creek before collapsing and completely shutting down. Then, he woke up... or so he thought. He had experienced something like a dream. He lived with Deidara and Lilith. They did so much together. They went on missions, talked, showered, argued, and teased. But then she was kidnaped... he lost his memory of her and things just went downhill. He wanted her to be real so bad. He vowed to get her back. That was a long time ago.

Deidara was killed and he was left alone with some dumbass named Tobi who later turned out to be Madara Uchiha. He tried to stay updated on Lilith. He knew that she was in the leaf village and then Pain attacked. He thought she had died. He wanted to die. There was nothing for a long time until he learned that the leaf had a weapon, a demonic weapon. It was then he knew she was alive.

Lilith stirred and then opened her eyes. She locked with his brown orbs and reached out to him. He grabbed her outstretched hand and pulled her into his chest.

"Y-you're hear..." She whispered hoarsely, shaking all over. Sasori stroked her hair.

"Of course," He said "How could I leave you under the care of those pathetic shinobi." Lilith beamed up at him.

"I knew you'd come for me." She whispered. Sasori felt irked at her comment but brushed it aside. They were together and that's all that mattered.

Deidara was watching from afar. He was creeped out. Lilith had always seemed off to him, he felt as though she was... never mind. Sasori was obsessed with her though and that freaked Deidara out even more. He had never seen his Danna so hell bent on something.

"Now that you guys are reunited we have a job to do, orders from Madara and Kabuto." Deidara said, interrupting the touching moment. The two looked over at Deidara, slightly annoyed by the interruption.

"What does he want?" Lilith growled. Sasori's grip tightened around Lilith protectively, he was giving Deidara the 'come closer to my woman, I dare you' look. Deidara shuffled back awkwardly. Even if he was dead, his Danna would always be his superior.

"We have a mission to ambush the group that had Lilith, un." Deidara explained. Sasodei stood up, pulling Lilith with him. They were pressed against each other, each scanning the area around them as if daring someone to approach.

"Alrighty then!" Lilith cried out, startling Deidara. She grinned manically "It'll be just like old times, guys! The three of us going on missions for the leader!" Sasori smiled softly and Deidara wished that Kabuto would just release him and let him rest in peace.

"Sure... whatever you say, un." Deidara muttered, creating a clay bird. All three of them boarded it and began tracking Kankurō's team.


ALMOST DONE GUYS! Yay~ Sorry this is short. The next chapter will be longer. I eventually plan to go back and edit everything.

I'm kinda lacking inspiration but I'll finish this fan fic still. Updates are slow and I apologize but School is driving me crazy. I've never had so much homework. I'm somewhat failing math class, too...

I've also become obsessed with BTS, which is a seven member K-pop boyband that is really awesome. I'm listening to their song 'We are bulletproof pt.2' as I'm writing this. I suggest you check them out if you haven't already. BTS A.R.M.Y, fighting!

Anyways, the next chapter will be out soon! The fan fiction is coming to an end! Thanks for all the support!


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