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Here is the second chapter and I hope you guys enjoy. x

Y/N = Your name

Y/L/N = Your last name

| Chapter Two |

The elevator opened and you and Shaun stepped out, the conversation still going on between you two. You had your hands stuffed inside of your pockets on your jacket as you continued to walk him to his room. When you two reached his room, he got out his keys and unlocked the door, stepping inside. But before he shut the door, he turned around looked at you once again.

''Have a goodnight (Y/N).'' he nodded. ''I will see you tomorrow.''

''Yup.'' you smile. ''I'll see you tomorrow as well Shaun. Goodnight.''

Shaun turned around and shut the door behind him. You continued to stand there, your hands still stuffed in your pockets. You just stared at the wooden door that was in front of you.

''I have an abusive boyfriend.'' you whisper softly.

As you said those words, you wished that Shaun was standing in front of you to hear those words. You felt like Shaun would help you, you felt like he would save you. But you still knew the consequences about Matt. You knew that he would hurt you even more if you dumped him. You wanted Matt to dump you but you didn't know how to make that happen without insulting him in anyway.

You turned away from his door and began to head back home, where Matt was impatiently waiting for you.


As you pulled up in the driveway, your heart sank as you saw that the lights were on. You got out of your car and started to make your way into the house. You swallowed a lump in your throat as you saw that Matt was in the living room, pacing back and forth. You blinked and a tear slid down your cheek. You instantly wipe it away, confused on why it was there. But you soon realized why, because you knew you were going to get a beating from Matt.

You sighed in defeat and walked up the stairs onto the porch. You reached for the handle and as you gripped it, you saw your hand shaking violently. You were scared. You were terrified of what was to come. But you dug deep inside and pulled out the braveness and courage that you had stored inside of you. You turned the door knob and opened the door, feeling the warm air brush over you.

''(Y/N)!'' matt's voice boomed, causing you cringe. ''Where were you?!'' he asks, stomping his way up to you.

''I had a late shift tonight.'' you explained, hanging up your doctor coat.

''I know that, but why were you later than usual?'' he asks, crossing his arms.

''I was dropping off one of my friends, he need-''

''AHA!'' he shouted, pointing a finger at you. ''It's that stupid autistic guy isn't it?!'' he yelled. ''Why are you even friends with that idiot?! He doesn't even know how to function right!'' he spat, getting closer to you.

You couldn't respond, you wanted to yell at him and stand up for Shaun. Shaun was a good guy, he had a very kind soul. He was a sweetheart, he deserved the best for what came to him. You didn't say a word and tried to walk passed him but Matt caught you by your arm before you left. As you turned to look at him, he gave you a solid slap on the face. You yelped in pain and fell straight to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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