Chapter 7

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"When is she gonna be awake?" 

"Any minute now," 

"Colson go easy on her," 

"I'm not gonna go anything on her," 

I opened my eyes a crack and regretted doing so immediately. The fluorescent lights blinded me, where the heck am I? I propped myself up on my arms and found Colson, Bobby, Ash, Rook and an old man standing around me. 

"What happened?" The last thing I remembered was Colson saving me from the paparazzi- or had that been a dream? 

"You went out without me is what happened," Bobby said angrily and I winced. 

"Ms. Cabello," The older man said, "I'm Doctor Cross and I have a few questions for you." 

"Okay," I said and sat upright. Right across from me I spotted Colson standing at the foot of my... mattress? We seemed to be in a vacant room backstage. 

"When was the last time you ate?" Dr. Cross crouched down and asked me. 

Shit. Not this question again. 

"Um, I don't know," When was the last time I ate? I missed breakfast today. I ate on the plane? No I hadn't accepted the food tray they served. In Dublin I hadn't had anything either- I did have water.

"Ms. Cabello?" The doctor asked and I looked down at my hands nervously. 

"I can't remember," I murmured.

"Have you had anything to eat today?" he asked gently. 

"No," I murmured. 

"Did you have anything to eat yesterday?" he asked. 

"I can't remember," I admitted.

"And you've been travelling?" he asked. 


"How long ago did you sit down and eat a proper meal?" he asked and I avoid looking at anyone. This was hitting home, this was taking me back to nine months ago. I didn't wanna be taken back. 

"Maybe when I was in Miami," I said. 

"Maybe?" he asked. 

"What do you mean by proper?" I looked up at the old man's disapproving face. 

"I mean you had hot food that wasn't out of a packet," 

"I...I really can't remember," I admitted. 

"What's wrong with you?" Ash asked and I looked up at her and nervously bit my lip. 

"How long have you had the disorder?" The doctor was addressing me like I was the only one in the room. I wanted to ask him what disorder but he knows that I know what he's talking about,  so why bother wasting his and my time? 

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