Chapter Twelve: Today my life begins

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside from the plot. Characters are created by the brilliant J.K Rowling. Harry Potter A/U Fanfiction. Enjoy! :)


Malfoy's Beach House – Maldives Island – 5:56 P.M.

Hermione was sitting on her balcony with her legs drawn to her chest, still reeling from everything she learned this afternoon.


Hermione was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name being called; she turned her head towards the sliding doors and saw Draco leaning against it.

"Didi let me in," Draco explained.

"It's alright, is something the matter?" Hermione asked.

Draco stared at her for a couple of minutes and shook his head; "Nothing..." he replied.

Hermione leaned her chin on top of her knees and hugged it closer to her chest; "I think I want a drink" she said.

Draco raised his brow; "We have some here" he replied.

Hermione shook her head; "I want to go out" she clarified.

Draco crossed his arms on top of his chest; "You want to go somewhere?" he asked.

Hermione thought for a couple of minutes; she then let her legs down and stood up. "Let's go back to the bar we went to last night" she said while walking towards him.

Draco moved away from his perch as Hermione approaches; once she's right in front of him and he moved sideways, letting her inside the room. "You want to go back to The Quiet Zone?" he asked.

Hermione passed him and began walking towards the adjacent door; once she reached her bathroom's door she stopped and turned. "Yes, a night cap, per se"

"You're aware that it's just dusk right? Too early for a night cap?"

Hermione smiled; "Live a little" she said.

Draco snorted; "You're stealing my lines!" he accused.

Hermione winked; "I'm just following your advices. Now, get your arse back to your room and dress like you mean it" she said while pushing the door open.

Draco mock saluted; "Aye aye Mi Lady!" he replied.

Hermione rolled her eyes and closed the door behind her.


"It's about time Harry Potter!"

Harry cringed; "I know, I know...I'm sorry Gin" he said sincerely.

Ginny huffed as she sat crossed legged on the floor right in front of the fire place. "You better be sorry! I had to endure Mum's relentless owls for the rest of my day!"

"I am...I really didn't mean to forget to tell you Gin, I tried flooing you earlier but nobody's answering" Harry explained.

Ginny rolled her eyes; "Of course nobody will answer! Anthony and I are both at work, you should know better" she replied.

Harry nodded as he sat on the floor; "I'm so sorry, I promise, it won't happen again" he said solemnly.

"You better keep that promise Potter, I'll hold you on to it! It's a good thing you have a charming wife and a cute kid or I would've gutted you for putting me through the ordeal!" Ginny said.

Harry smiled; "You love me too much to gut me Gin," he said.

Ginny smirked; "Confident, eh?" she said. 

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