Chapter 14: Boredom led to Diversion

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Chapter 14: Boredom led to Diversion

3rd Person's PoV

The day continues with the basuke club agreed in playing outrageous games...

"Okay~ Let's start suu!!" Kise said rather excitingly jumping up and down.

"Hai, Hai!" Momoi joined in the shouting and 'jumping'. ((A/N: I know whatch'all thinking ya little green beaned brainz... Oh wait, or was it just me? Yeah, that was only me, nyaaha!))

"Wait.. Are we missing someone, nanodayo?" Midorima asked out of curiosity.

"Nah. No one, let's just start this game already." Aomine inquired.

"Okay I'll spin the bottle ssu~" Kise sing-sang the words.

"Let us all chant, 'Spindle, dwindle spinning bottle. Land thee the great misfortuned victim!' Yosh!" Kise said while doing a ghost hand gesture (( A/N: Weird ._. ))

"Aaaaaaaannnnnndddddd!!! Aomine!" Kise said while pointing at the bottle and Aomine.

"I hate this crappy day!" Aomine said while whining his defeat.

"Hm.. As expected your horoscope is very unfortunate for today, nanodayo." Midorima said, some other teammates of his are hearing his horoscope speech as blah blah.

"I didn't ask for your horoscope crap, you four eyes..." Aomine said while glaring at him.

"You're welcome, nanodayo." Midorima said, unfrazed at the aho's speakings.

"Okay. Now, Aomimecchi you must pick one paper on the box." Kise said while featuring the box.

"Okay, now what?" Aomine obeyed then asked.

"Don't open yet the paper. Hide it on your pocket." Kise said in which Aomine obeyed.

Then... Kise pulled out a white handkerchief and tied it in Aomine's eye sight with such rapid reflexes.

"Oi! Who turned off the lights?!" Aomine said which caused the person, who is hiding on the corner, facepalm.. And that is me. The third person! -_- I won't tell you who I am, you'll know it later. So chill don't rush me. =_=

"I am! So, now.. You'll find or catch one person and whoever that misfortunate person will be shall do the written dare ssu. Now, I'll spin you three times." as Kise said that he spun Aomine around 10 times.

"And when you already finished 10 spins, you can now immediately start or search for your victim ssu! Good luck!" Kise said then immediately run for safe sake.

"Interesting.." the third person said while looking at the scenery.

"Ready or not here I come!" Aomine said while putting his hands up and imitated them as claws then he step slowly but surely.

Then, suddenly....

"I got somethi- GAHH!!" he, Aomine was cut off by a basketball hitting right on his stomach and he reacted by shouting his dismay.

"K-Kurokocchi, to far. You went to far!" Kise scream whispered.

"Gomene..." was what Kuroko said bluntly and he said it in his usual stoic voice.

"Gah! Prepare for war, you little twerps! War!!" Aomine said while running towards the noise. "SPARTA!!"

"Tch! This is for mocking my horoscopes." Midorima said while readying his aim.

"Aaaaaaaaaannnnnddddd...... HEATSHOT.." Murasakibara mumbled amusedly like a child.

"Guff.. Ngh!" as told, headshot and 1 point for the smexy megane in green, in the result of Aomine falling on the floor backward.

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