Chapter 11

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*Nikkole P.O.V*

As soon as I turned around Trey was standng there lookin mad as'f . Idk why he mad at me tho I mean if I don't wanna be with you then thts tht leave it alone . He started walking towards me lookin at Han who was tlkin to me about somethin but I wasn't listenin.

"So this the reason why you won't take me back, cause you with his bitch ass !?!?" Trey said getting in my face like he was about to do something.

"Ayye lower yo tone nd back up out her face, before I have to handle yo ass my nigga." Han said stepping closer to Trey.

When Han said tht I knew there was gon be a problem so I grabbed, well I tried to grab his arm and pull him away but Trey got to tlkin shit.

"Nigga what the fuck you gon do she mine anyway I ain't gotta lower shit so back tf up and let me handle my girl before I have to handle yo ass, Bitch ass nigga."

"I am not yo girl Trey no shut-

"Hell nah you got life all the way fucked up if you think I'm finna let you tlk to me like tht nd she yo mf'n girl last I checked I'm the she with, Now hit me up when you wanna throw blows but until then shut tht shit up, let's go Nikkole." Han interupted me pulling me to the door but before we could leave Trey tried to pull me away from Han and Han turned around and punched Trey.

Before I could grab Han they were both on the ground fighting, and Han was whoopin tht ass lmaoo I felt bad for Trey . But Trey was holdin his own I gotta give him credit for tht tho.

I snapped out of my daze and tried getting Han off Trey with the help of Stacii and Dante . Idk where tf they came from, But we finally got Han off him and Trey looked so bad. Even tho he did me wrong we went out for 2 years and I loved him, I still have love for him tho .

I helped Trey up while Stacii and Dante calmed Han down . I was helping Trey to the bathroom down the hall when I heard Han say something .

"So you gon help this nigga after he just disrespected you ?!?" He said coming towards us .

"Han, I'm just helpin him get cleaned up, I mean you just beat him half to death, have some sympathy, damn."

'Nah fuck tht, After you clean him up ask him to take yo ass home, nd ima have Lexi drop Prince off." He said walking away, but I could tell he was mad as'f still.

"Oh nd consider yoself single, I ain't finna be no second choice." When he said tht my heart hurt a little bit and tht was the moment I realized how much I really do like Handsome Young .


Finally Updated !!!

Srry It's So Short !!! .

Comment Please !!!!!!!!!

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