its on my love, its on..

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Hey guys!!!, I just wanted to tell you how excited I am to start this story with u <3, I hope you actually enjoy it and have fun reading it, I know what your thinking shes ganna keep talking but im ganna shut up now and let you enjoy :)

"Glt layhaa seeree zgee," said Lulu as we walked through the mall getting dirty looks from the woman because we both didn't wear shaila, just 3baa and we were also getting dirty looks from the men but not the same 'dirty' looks the woman were giving us. We walked through the mall stopping in some shops and buying things. After a while we ended up in the cinema area, the cinema area is one of the most crowded areas of the mall plus its filled with 5rfaan which is something no good. For you girls who don't know the term 5rfaan is used to describe the guys in the mall who follow you and flirt, we use the word 5rfaan because a group of sheep usually follow there owner or the farmer, in this case the girl being the farmer. We started walking faster trying to casually get out of that area quickly, we were doging multiple people and going through them, when we finally got out of the area I threw my hands up in the air to celebrate our victory when i suddenly felt a burning pain on my arm. I let out a high pitched girly shrek when i noticed blood was dripping down my arm and my 3baa.There was a long cut starting from my writst until mid my arm. "Sho el salsa?" i heard a guys voice say, i looked forward to see an emirate guy staring at me, i then looked at his arm and noticed one of his bracelets had a sharp edge to it and on the edge was my blood.

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