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"Mark, can you run to the store and get us some cheese? we seem to be out." called Marks wife from the kitchen. "yeah sure i guess" he responded. It was a rainy day out in the large city of New York. The sky was a pale gray and a light wind flew through the tall buildings like a cobweb drifting through the summers air. Traffic was shit, like always, but Mark grew to love the time where he could sit alone and listen to his favorite audible books and procrastinate on the ideas of new Facebook updates he knew no one asked for. like really? stories? instagram and snapchat were enough.

He pulled up in the parking lot, luckily founding a spot, and began his walk into the store when he noticed someone fumbling with their bags.  Being the good Samaritan he was, rushed over to help. The figure turned around, eyes large and blue, the brightest yellow feathers mark has every seen, and orange slender legs, he stood tall. Transfixed in his features, Mark completely forgot what he was doing. "Can i help you?!" the man said. Mark snapped put of his daze, " im sorry, i saw you struggling from over there and came to asked if you needed assistance." With a smile and a nod, he agreed, Mark took his bags and placed them in his large minivan for him. The smell from the car was of old spice, marijuana, and sweat, but a good sweat...Mark liked it. "Thank you sir! by the way, i'm Big Bird, but you can call me BB, you seem like a really nice guy! maybe we can get some drinks sometimes? i just moved here and don't know anyone, i think it would be good for me to acquire some familiar faces." With a shocked look, mark exploded into joy, "yes yes!1!!!!! that would be great! i'll give you my number and we can plan something!!"It was almost too easy, Mark drove home in an even better mood that before, though he wasn't sure how to feel about BB, after all, he did have a wife and child,whom he loved very much, but seeing Big Bird opened a window he never thought he had, for once in his life he felt genuine happy.

*ding* Marks phone lit up with a text from an unknown number. "2 nite @8 nookies?" it read. He knew it was BB, but he didn't want it to be, anyone who texted like that for a first conversation deserves death. Mark rolled his eyes and responded with "k" yet another term he hated when texting someone.

The time to meet up with BB had rolled around and Mark was sitting my himself at a bar, swishing around a glass of vodka.He had told his wife he was staying late after work, it felt exhilarating lying to her for once, although it was wrong, Mark felt a sense of control. "AYE MAH MAN" he heard from behind him. Big Bird was standing there with round glossy eyes and a tight ass. Mark became very nervous, and barely stuttered out the words "h-hey!" 

After hours of sitting and chitchatting about every known thing in the universe, Mark couldn't take it anymore, he was so enthralled by the way BB could take the reigns of a dying conversation and turn it completely upside down. Not only that but he was also hypnotized by the bright yellow feathers that laid evenly across his body, Mark tried not to look for to long, in fear of being called out.

Silence broke out between the two, for they had nothing left to discuss. "you wanna head back to my place?" Big Bird began "I could show you my banging collection of fedoras." Mark's wife was expecting him home by now, but this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up, not even for his dying son. "hell yeah man" he said, and off they went. 

Big Bird fumbled with keys to get into his home, as by now, the both of them were extremely drunk. They flopped on the couch and BB brought over some more alcohol thrown in a mini fridge next to the tv stand. sitting there for a few minutes in quietness, Mark spoke up, "you know, this is the first time in my life that I've actually felt good, not at my graduation, my wedding, or even at my child's birth, but now, now that i lay here, just being with you, makes me feel something completely different, but in a great way. and  i just want to thank you for that." tears begin running down marks face. Not saying a word, BB rolled over and positions himself over Marks stomach. Taking his feathery hand, wipes his tears away, "Its gonna be okay" he tells him, and leans in for a kiss. No one knows how long the kiss lasted, just that the intimacy levels dramatically increased, sounds of walls being pounded and cushions being clenched was too much. "GIVE ME THE ZUCC" was the last thing Mark heard before the sounds of gunshots filled the room, then...blackness...

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