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// saltyfries, yamagucchi, nishitwatup, miruku, pan, dadchi, sugamama, ryutheday, ennoshita, kazuhitonyou and mynameskinooo joined the chat \\

sugamama: so the results are in

sugamama: ryu and ennoshita carved a watermelon

sugamama: kazuhito and kinoshita carved an infinity sign on their pumpkin

sugamama: Yamaguchi and Kageyama carved a heart

sugamama: Hinata and tsukishima went and got a whole bunch of pumpkins and food and celebrated halloween with the homeless

sugamama: so in terms of carving i say The KazooRamsays win

sugamama: but in terms of kindness (dare i say around Tsukishima) i say The Emo Boiis

saltyfries: they're terrible team names

saltyfries: why emo boys of all things

dadchi: i think it suits you

kazuhitonyou: @ mynameskinooo WE WON

mynameskinooo: @ kazuhitonyou YEOOOOOOOO BUT CONGRATS TO THE EMO BOIIS

dadchi: you two are happy

saltyfries: ew happiness

dadchi: this is why you were named emo boii

kazoohitonyou: preach it

mynameskinooo: dad knows best

OK so i know you all hate ANs in stories but i haven't been into the Haikyuu fandom at all and i don't know how to feel about the story seemings im not as fond of the characters as i once was. Like, if yous are really enjoying this and want me to keep updating then I will because i want yous all to be happy even if it means less frequent updates or really short ones as it's difficult to write a whole lot when you're not up to it etc ❤❤

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