The Past

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This whole thing came from an idea I got after creating the picture on the right. I also made a video from this idea. I'll put it on here after uploading Part 2. It's a small hope I have about how Morgana might change in Season 5. Here's to hoping...

This is the 1st 'Merlin' story i've written, so nice feedback would be appreciated. I love the show & everything belongs to the BBC. :) Enjoy.


Four Years Earlier...

Morgana Pendragon had been having a steady stream of nightmares recently. She had asked Gaius to give her a remedy every night, just in case. She knew being too careful was stupid. There was no way that could happen; her nightmares were too vivid and scary.

    Gwen blew the candles out after Morgana had taken her remedy. Taking some blankets with her, Gwen turned around.

    “Sleep well, My Lady.”

    Morgana nodded and climbed into bed. Gwen, her maid, couldn’t be sleeping well herself lately. She slept in the chambers next to Morgana’s and the King’s Ward knew Gwen had been in to comfort her for the last two nights in a row.

    “The people say third time lucky. Maybe this will be the night where I don’t have a nightmare this week.” Morgana thought to herself. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. Despite her fears, the Lady Morgana was very tired and soon slept soundly.

    For a few hours, everyone in Camelot castle slept well. There were no sounds to disturb any of the guards on duty. They patrolled the castle grounds, looking for any threat. Ever since King Uther had outlawed magic, there were a great many sorcerers looking for revenge against him, hoping to bring the Kingdom down.

    However, that night wasn’t Morgana’s to be free of nightmares. In the early hours of the morning, she tossed and turned in her bed. Her dream was very strange and revolved around her, not other people. It changed several times.

Morgana smiled at Morgause. “He will find a kingdom without a leader.”

“What happened to you, Morgana?” Arthur asked, standing in front of her.

Morgana stood over her protector’s sleeping form with a knife raised high. “Morgana is going to kill Uther.”

“She does not. But I do.” Morgana stood over Uther, hatred in her eyes. “I am your daughter, after all.” She was crowned Queen of Camelot...

Morgana jerked awake and sat up, looking around her chambers, her breathing rapid as she took in her latest nightmare. Where had all of that come from? As she calmed down a little, Morgana tried to work out what had happened.

First of all, she didn’t know who that woman was, though in her dream, she obviously did know her. She was the ward of the King, and Prince Arthur was close to her, but they were not biologically siblings, so how could the last part work out?

    Morgana also knew she would never kill Uther. She didn’t agree with him on a lot of things, but that was no reason to kill him. He did love her, after all. The same went for Arthur and he knew that as well as she did, so why would he look at her like that. Especially with such...sadness, pain and hurt in his eyes.

    Morgana shook her head in disbelief. None of that would happen. The nightmare was simply that- a nightmare. Morgana knew she would never turn against Camelot. That much was certain.

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