First Danger

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The news went around Camelot and the surrounding lands pretty quickly. Everyone seemed more relaxed now and it was as though a weight had been lifted.

    Morgana was a lot happier now she knew no one was going to be after her because of what she was, although at times, she wondered privately if Arthur or anyone else would have killed her because she had been using magic openly for a good many years now. It was a part of her and Morgana refused to compromise. Now she wouldn’t have to.

    Merlin was also completely happy and, contrary to what he’s said the previous day, was glad it made Morgana happy.

    “I think you’ve made the right decision.” He told Arthur.

    “And what happened to all of your...doubts.” The King replied, smiling slightly.

    Merlin laughed. “Oh, you know. It’s just what she’s wanted for a long time.”

However, not everything had changed for good.

A few days after the announcement saw the Knights of Camelot galloping through the castle gates to where Arthur stood talking with Gwen, Morgana and Merlin.

    “There’s a group of bandits behind us heading for the castle.” Sir Leon told them, when they all stopped. No sooner had he said the words, when they heard the sound of hooves crossing the drawbridge.

    “Shut the gates!” Arthur shouted. “Merlin, take Gwen and Morgana inside.”

    “Actually, give me a sword, Merlin.” Morgana cut her brother off. “I can defend myself.” Arthur looked at her and nodded.

    Just as the gates were almost closed, they flew open and the group entered the courtyard. The Knights wasted no time in surrounding Arthur and Morgana, drawing the swords and facing the intruders.

    Within seconds, a fight had started. It took longer than necessary as it appeared two of them had magic, and soon they were the only two left alive. It was a fight the Knights and Arthur couldn’t win.

    “It seems you’re about to die, Arthur Pendragon.” One said, and threw his sword at the King. It suddenly stopped and hit the wall behind them. The sword broke at the hilt and fell to the floor in two pieces.

    Neither of the bandits had expected that to happen and stared as a small gust of wind suddenly blew in their direction.

    “Everyone get back.” Morgana’s voice sounded through the confusion. She pushed the now-mini tornado in the bandit’s direction. The three looked at each other. “Get out and don’t come back. You don’t-”

    “I thought magic was banned and... you’re using it, Morgana. Does Arthur know you’re a sorceress?” One said, stumbling backwards. Morgana eased off for a moment as Arthur answered.

    “Yes. And I’ve allowed magic again now but I see you didn’t know that.”

    Suddenly, there was the sword of a sword being drawn and Morgana’s voice made them all jump. “Leon! Don’t you dare!”

    There were a few murmurs from the Knights and Morgana finally turned around to face them. She ordered everyone in the courtyard to drop their swords, turning and disarming Sir Leon when she knew he hadn’t.

    “Morgana, calm down.” Arthur said, as the breeze around them got stronger. She glared at him and glanced back and forth from him to the bandits.

    “Do you promise not to kill them if they come back, Arthur? And do you two promise never to come back and go live somewhere safely?”

    Arthur hesitated for a second. “Yes.” The bandits nodded too and started to move away. Morgana smiled mockingly.

    “Well, there you are then. That wasn’t too hard.” She glared at the Knights again. “Was it?” Then she walked up the courtyard steps.

    “Morgana!” Arthur called. All he got in response was the sound of the main door slamming shut.

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