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Straight to the point - I've written yet another thing but this time I actually finished it.

A true miracle.

It's a fictional story, separated into parts. It's an entirely different genre from what I've previously written, actually. This was originally saved in my Google Docs as "Emo story 101". It's not fanfiction, so for those of you who came for Harry Potter and Percy Jackson - sorry. But why don't you stay and give this story a chance?

I spent 2 months writing this. Not because it's particularly long, but because I wrote a lot at one time and then ignored it for two weeks. Repeat.

Some things you should know about the story:

1. Song lyrics are at the beginning of each part, because emo and also aesthetic. (I got really into Fall Out Boy last year.)

2. I've asked some of my friends to proofread and edit. This is me giving them credit. I am physically unable to re-read this myself because if I did I would cringe so hard my head would snap off and blood would start spurting out of my neck stump.

3. Trigger warning: Depression, death. Please DON'T read this if you are sensitive to any of the two.

4. I recommend that you find a nice quiet place to read this so you can experience the full emotion of the story.

5. I'd really appreciate it if you replied with your comments about the story. Whether it's "OH MY GOD CLAIRE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I'M GOING TO BE YOUR SLAVE FOREVER AND EVER" or "you suck lol XD" I wanna hear it.

I actually finished this already - I was told by some of my friends that I should post it here, so I will. The parts range from less than a page to three pages long (on Google Docs, anyway). I'll publish this all at once because I've decided it's the best way to absorb the whole thing.

Enjoy <3


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