Seven. Tamara.

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          I leave Trys and Lexi at the bus stop at the entrance to Gateway Field. This is my least favourite part of the journey home because it's the only part where I'm alone. I'm tempted to put in my earphones and listen to my music but if there's some kind of danger then I won't be able to hear it. I decide against it.

          My route takes me around the outskirts of the field. The grass in the middle is too long to walk through so I take the path through this kind of mini woods at the side. It's kind of cute in the daytime and I always think that a pixie or something is just going to pop up from behind a tree, but at night the shadows threaten to pull me into the depths of the darkness and I shiver in the cold. I really just want to get home now. Today's been too weird for my liking, what with Ola not turning up and Darly's doll touching me. I feel cursed.

          An owl hoots somewhere above my head and I jump. I take a deep breath, gathering myself and telling myself not to be so sensitive. My phone buzzes, making me jump again, and I curse whoever decided to text me at this time. It carries on buzzing and I realise someone is calling me. I fumble in my pocket and eventually grab my rumbling mobile. The screen flashes up with "Mum" with a heart emoji and I breathe a sigh of relief as I answer.

          "Hi Mum, what's up?" I ask, forcing a cheerful tone as I carry on walking through the woods.

          "I just wondered where you were, you've been gone quite a while." Mum's voice sounds generally worried.

          "It's ok, I'm almost at the end of Gateway Field. I'll be home in a bit." Mum seems happy with this answer and says her goodbyes, before cutting off the call. I place my phone back in my trouser pocket and head down the trail leading to the small cottage I call home. My phone vibrates again and I huff with annoyance. Why couldn't my mum tell me everything she needed to in one phone call? Frustrated, I pull my mobile back out and look at the bright screen.

          It isn't Mum.

          The screen keeps flashing with the words "Unknown Number", waiting for me to answer. I'm just about to tap the 'Ignore' button when the call cuts off. I close my eyes briefly with exhaustion, thinking over what had just happened, contemplating whether or not to tell my mum about the call. I decide against it. A twig cracks behind me and my eyes snap open. The left strap of my navy blue rucksack slips off my shoulder and I impatiently push it back up, fear making my movements unsteady.

          It's okay Tay. Just breathe, you're almost home. Calm down, just breathe. Come on, steady breathing. The comforting words in my head overpower the sounds around me until eventually I am in my own sanctum. The orange glow from Mum's bedroom window shines through the trees as I near the end of the trail leading to the small row of cottages and I sigh, relieved. I fumble for my keys, hands still trembling, and unlock the door, careful to lock it again afterwards.

          Back to the door, I steady my breathing and sink to the floor, head in my hands. This happens sometimes; my nerves get the better of me and my breathing changes but I just have to talk my way out of it. It'll be okay, that's what I have to promise myself. I take a deep breath and stand up.

          "Mum, I'm Home!" I call upstairs, and I hear footsteps as she descends the steps.

          "Hi love, how is everyone?" she asks, squeezing my arm as she wanders into the kitchen.

          "They're... good," I lie, remembering Ola's disappearance. "Apparently, there's a new guy joining our tutor." She looks up, smiling.

          "Oh, how lovely! Does anyone know him?" I shake my head, "Well, maybe you can be his friend. He might want some, remember how you were when you were new. You could give him some pointers." I gently remind her that I knew Lexi and she shrugs and asks if I want anything to eat, opening the fridge.

          "No thanks, I ate before I went out." I turn to the sink and pour some squash into a glass, turning on the tap. As I fill the rest of glass with the water, I stare out of the window into the darkness of the woods. The foreboding grasp of the forest makes me shudder, yet it still feels like home. Suddenly I gasp dropping the glass into the sink. I hear a crash of shattering glass as my legs buckle and I fall to the floor, my breathing messed up again. Subconsciously, I notice Mum rush over to help as I dip in and out of a dark screen of blackness.

          "Tay? Tay are you alright? Can you hear me?" She pulls out her phone. "I'll ring an ambulance." I force myself to move my arm, weakly snatching it from her.

          "N- no," I manage to choke out, my words a splatter of letters. She furrows her brow and tries to reclaim her phone but I slide it away along the slippery floor like an ice hockey puck, pushing it under the table. "Mum." I tilt her head towards me, struggling into a sitting position, and gaze into her rich, brown eyes. "T-trust me, I'll b-be fine." Mum nods and moves to make me another glass of water. I notice her eyes dart to the window but she sees nothing and continues with her action.

          A knot forms in my stomach, twisting round and round like a spiral staircase, sucking all the air from my lungs. What I had seen surely wasn't real? Mum hadn't seen it so it had to be my mind, right? Wrong. That was real. For sure. Very, very real. Real as the unknown phone call in the forest.

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