Fifteen. Nexus.

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          "Are you sure?" I ask, chewing on my lower lip.

          "Of course I'm sure!" Lexi screams at me from the other end of the line, and I flinch at her sharp tone.

          "Okay calm down, I'm sure he's just out someone from school. Probably Kyle or someone," I say disgustedly. Kyle's one of those sports boys, the kind that all the girls like, with a big build and large muscles. Apparently his eyes are blue. And apparently I care. Not. I just listen to what Ola has to say, and agree, even though I don't like him. I'm pretty sure she's way too good for him anyway, though I don't actually know if she likes him in that way. Frankly, Kyle is someone I'd rather not associate with. Lexi sighs down the phone, bringing me back to reality.

          "You're probably right, I'm just worried. He hasn't returned any texts or calls, and none of the others have heard from him." She pauses for a moment, "I mean I haven't tried Ola but I'd doubt that she has, and I don't really want to pester her after yesterday, what with her not showing up." I agree quietly and end the conversation, putting down the phone. Ola. She hasn't replied after I texted her back. She said it was over, but I'm not sure if that's in a good or bad way.

          Harvey thumps down the stairs and I groan as he enters the room, casting him a dirty look. He ignores me and jumps onto the sofa with the TV remote and turns over the programme I was watching. Rolling my eyes, I don't bother to protest and stand up, deciding it would be good to get out of the house. I get changed and sort myself out quickly, and leave before Mum can question, shutting the door silently behind me.

          The sky above is a pale grey and small patches of clouds scud across, leaving snail trails of a smoky colour. The air is warm yet the wind has picked up and now nips at my ears and grasps at my hair, like tiny gremlins pinching my body. Somewhere above my head, a crow squawks and I jump slightly with surprise. I look up and its beady eyes beam down on me, as if searching, groping amongst my soul for a piece of sorrow to feast on. As I catch its eye, it beats its wings and flies off into the woods where Tay lives, and I watch, satisfied, as it weaves amongst the trees to find a branch to settle on.

          I venture down the road and come across the flickering lamp post, which obviously isn't flashing now, but reminds me of the man I passed yesterday. I begin to wonder if he made it to where he needed to be, or if there was something troubling on his mind considering his fast pace. It's none of my business but it still nags at my brain, as if shrieking to get noticed. I shake my head and think about where I should go. Isla's? No, other direction. Shop? But what would I buy? Library? I'd be called a nerd but what's new? With a name like Nexus, it's not really hard for people to make that assumption. Library it is.

          I come to the crossroad which leads to the town centre and turn left towards my destination, brushing past a man in a long, black coat, which strokes the floor with every big stride he takes. He glares at me with cold, grey eyes but hurries on, lowering his head. I roll my eyes and carry on, my footsteps more hasty, hunching my shoulders against the bitter wind. Each footstep seems to take me further away from everyone, and I'm worried that loneliness will overcome my passion to get away. I place my feet down more purposefully and wander towards the library.

          Once I come face to face with the large door, I sigh, relieved and push my way inside, the beauty of the gardens muted by my darkened thoughts. The hush welcomes me and I nod to Red who's stood behind the desk, before floating around the shelves. I run my fingers over the spines of the books, feeling the smooth texture.

          My heart stops. I pull the book out, heart beginning to pulse suddenly. I stare down at the cover, wanting to look around but not daring to tear my eyes away from the sight that they behold. My fingers trace the pale blue of the title, yet that isn't the part that vigorously shakes my mind. My fingers move over the smooth cover until they brush the edge of the picture.

          And that's when I pull my hand away.

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