How it all began

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(Just wanna let you know that I'm going to give you all the backstory so you understand the inside jokes mentioned and that also I'm changing the town name so that none of my friends find out)

I've always been one to hang out with they guys... never been a girly girl. I wear jeans and a black shirt with boots, I only wear make up if we are going out somewhere fancy and if my mum wants me to dress nice, I don't really remember ever wearing a dress either. I have longish black hair that stops at the bottom of my ribs, I have dark hazel eyes and a nose piercing.
My best friend is James, I met him when I moved to paranalu, para for short. I was in about year four when I moved there and honestly it took a while for me to get friends but James was sure enough my first, it was actually quite cute, we would sit together and share our stringy cheese and talk about what kind of pets we wished for and all that year four stuff. Things never really got serious until year six where everyday started to under stand their emotions mainly towards guys but I never felt that way with James he's just always been my best friend and I never thought any of that would change. In year seven I was made to move away to live with my dad in Perth it was boring down there and I didn't have James their with me. Until once again in year nine I moved back up to para to live with my mum. Weirdly it felt like nothing had changed with me and James, I suppose we just picked up where we left of and continued being best friends.

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