Chapter 1

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Avelyn's Point Of View:

I tried to stop my stupid alarm clock with my eyes closed, because I didn't want to face the sun, which was brightly shining through my window. Finally I felt the metal under my palm and pressed my index finger on the "stop" button.

I groaned and rolled my eyes mentally.

Another senseless day to face. Another day, where I wake up, alone in this house, go out, come back and get abused by my father.

Another day without my sister and another day, where I knew, that my mom will probably never come home again.

To be honest, I just wanted it to stop. I didn't want to walk around in the streets where all those fake people waited, just to tell me how beautiful and amazing my big sister was and how horrible I must feel without her.

They have no idea how I feel, nor how I think.

I stood up from my bed and walked straight to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, stepped out and walked to my closet, to pick an outfit for today. As I put on a little bit of make-up I wore denim skinny jeans, which were rolled up on my ankles, white nike air, a red tank top and of course my charm bracelet with the little golden 6 on it.

If my house would burn, I would only take out this bracelet and wouldn't care about the rest. l

My father could burn in this house, too, because I honestly don't give a fuck about him and that must mean something, because I usually don't curse.

I walked down the stairs to our little kitchen and grabbed an perfect red apple and ran my hand through my loose hair.

I really had to hurry, if I wanted to be on time in the little vintage shop, where I currently worked.

Actually, this was my last day and I wanted to look for a college afterwards, because I started my studies online and I didn't have much fun doing it.

My cousin Tyler told me, that he would pay the college for me, but I didn't want him to spend his money on me and I to working. If I think about it, then I don't think, that I'll ever have a chance to get out of here, because of my father and I can just hope, that he'll give me his permission to leave.

Even though I was already 18 I was scared of my fathers decision, because he practically has more to say in my life, than I do.

I jogged out of my house, sat on my light blue Vespa Primavera and drove to work.

I walked in and the first think I heard was an old lady whispering. I don't know, if you can call that whispering ):

"Oh, isn't that May's little sister Avelyn? Poor girl. You know her mom is in a mental hospital, because she couldn't handle the loss of one of her daughters and I'm not so sure, if her father's the right person to take care of that child. I can only imagine how horrible she feels!"

No, you can't even imagine it. You can't even freaking guess it. Don't they get it? People are so dumb. I turned around, tears brimming behind my eyelids.

That's a really great start.


Finally. I got my money and walked out of the shop. I wouldn't work here any longer!

Thinking about what I could eat now, because it's already 8 p.m I sat on my Vespa and drove to the near Taco Bar.

The people there knew me and I was always welcome. I walked in and greeted the seller Blake who was originally from Mexico. His twin sister Blair opened this shop, to remind herself where she came from and to show the people here how the original Tacos tasted.

Quality is really important for her. I bought 5 Tacos and drove my Vespa to a mechanic, because something was wrong with the engine and my father didn't allow me to do "loud" things. I stopped the engine in front of the garage and didn't take out the key.

I walked back on the street and took a deep breath. I had to walk home alone. I was a bit scared of the dark, to be honest, but I would be okay.

It's not like I'm in the desert or in LA, where Jason McCann lived.

I walk down the big alley and merely could see where I walked. They should honestly put some more lights out here. I heard a little pling and groaned annoyed.

Bye bye house keys! I looked on the floor, but it was way too dark.

Suddenly I felt a hot breath on my neck and a muscular, good built chest on my back. I gasped scared and turned around to define the person behind me.

"I think you lost here something beautiful."

He said in a raspy low voice, holding up my keys. A broken street lamp decided to work and shone its light on the side of his face.

Brown orbs, plump pink lips, a perfect chiseled jaw. His dirty blonde hair in a perfect quiff and the well-known smirk.

I knew exactly who he was.

The most wanted criminal in the USA, or maybe even in the whole world.

Bomber, drug dealer, murderer and robber. Girls drool over him, but are still scared that he'll kill them when he gets bored.

Adding new tattoos all the time.

Usually living in LA.

Leader of the biggest Gang and never being arrested because even the SWAT was scared of him. 

Jason McCann.

Note: English is not my first language and ya'll probably don't wanna read more, but idk. Just follow and wait for the notification to pop up. Squeal, click on it and read it. If you don't like it: tell me you love it. If you like it: Tell me you love it. I will be posting regularly! 

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