Chapter 11

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 Avelyn's Point Of View:

Jason clearly enjoyed my Burgers and I laughed at him, because he didn't even seem to breathe while he stuffed the food into his mouth. He looked at me confused with stuffed cheeks like a hamster and I poked his cheek. He looked so adorable... Aww, he just blushed. I can't believe he did, but before I could do a remark about it Brandon came down the stairs. He already had the eyeliner applied. "Don't tell me girl, I know that I look breathtaking in this queen of eyeliners." I giggled and I saw Jason choke on his food. "Alright, guess that I'll just shut my mouth then." I replied and handed him a Burger. "Yummy! You slay at cooking girl!" He's so enthusiastic, but that's one of my favorite things about him. I'm nothing but enthusiastic to be honest so he's the one who helps me see things different. My gaze travelled to Jason who stared at Brandon in disbelieve. It's really funny, because I think that I know what he thinks. He thinks 'Why tf didn't I notice sooner? I'm so stupid.' It's not hard to guess that Brandon's gay, but Jason just didn't want to see it. Why was he jealous though. He catches me staring at him and smirked before his phone rang and he walked out to talk.

"Alright, what's up with McCann, mother of Burgers?" Brandon asks in a serious tone and looked where Jason disappeared. I tried not to laugh about that mother of Burgers thing because Brandon told me once that I should get used to him giving me 'good ass' nicknames. I just grinned instead. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "For real? He's bipolar af. I saw you two arguing in the yard, whatever it was about, and then he was laughing. Then he stared at me. Finally he started to smirk like a fuckboy and now he turned all business like." He was right. He was lucky he didn't see the angry Jason yet.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Okay... Here we go. Brandon flinched and Jason stomped in the kitchen. He threw a chair on the floor and started beating up the wall. Before throwing other things around, he quickly looked at us. As he did so we saw his eyes. Pitch black and with that scary glimmer in them. It was his killer face. Suddenly he took out his gun and started to shoot outside like freak. I gasped and looked at Brandon. "OMG, Avelyn he's crazy. Run bitch." He panicked but I wasn't moving. Well I was, but in the opposite direction of what Brandon meant. I heard the door close behind Brandon but I was almost behind Jason. He threw his gun away and turned around, aggressively gripping my wrist and looked me dead in the eyes. I flinched and saw his eyes soften and slowly turning back into their normal hazel brown color. He let my hand fall and looked at me surprised. "I-I" He mumbled and then took a deep breath. "I thought, that you ran away with Brandon. I thought that there was someone else behind me." He explained quickly like as if he was scared that if he'd have talked slower I would have lost in and ran away. He examined my eyes carefully "Why didn't you run though?" He asked carefully. I cleared my throat. I felt like I was waking up from a trance. "I wanted to calm you down. I thought that you'd blow up this whole place if I didn't." He chuckled. "But what makes you think that you'd calm me down?" He raised an brow. "I just did." I stated. His body tensed and he pulled his messy hair. And then he just hugged me. He put his strong arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I hugged back awkwardly and he chuckled. "You know, it won't kill you if you touch me." He said and took his arms back. I blushed. I'm so embarrassing. I wanted to say more but suddenly heard sirens. Oh no. Brandon surely called the cops because I didn't run with him. "Hell no." His eyes darkened again. "Did you fucking call them, huh? You only didn't run away because you knew that they'll be here in any moment. You fucking used me again!" He yelled and pushed me back. I saw hurt flash his eyes. Why was he hurt? "What? No, it was probably Brandon because I didn't run with him! I'll-I'll talk to them." I turned around and walked to the front door.

"Police! Open the door!" I tugged on my hair and thought. I have to say something that crazy so they won't think I'm just lying. Something where they'll be sure I couldn't just make it up and that this was a mistake. "Jason McCann? We'll break the door in 10 seconds!" Shit, he even told them about Jason? He's so stupid. Or at least in this situation. Panic-fueled I looked around and tried my best annoyed high pitched girly voice. "Okay" I giggled "I'm coming, gooosh." I spotted a bathrobe. I put it on and rolled up my skinnys. I took off my shoes and socks and then went to the front door. Not forgetting to mess up my hair a little. I opened the door spirited and giggled behind me, then I looked up at the first officer and grinned like a little girl. That grin faded as I saw the other 20 men behind him but I hid it with a lip bite. I tilted my head and put one hand in my hair. "Woah, I thought that there would only be one or two strippers but ya'll are welcome." I giggled and slapped the officers chest playfully. "Ugh, hard. I love abs." I blinked with my lashes. "Excuse us miss, but we got a call that Jason McCann lives here." One of the officers said and I laughed. "Hell yes he does." I cheered. "How do you guys know about the game though?" "What game?" "The roll game duh" I rolled my eyes. They cluelessly looked at me. "Gosh, you guys! My boyfriend and me wanted to have some fun so we tried out the sex roll swap thing and I told him that he should be like Jason McCann. I mean, he's the most wanted, he's definitely rough right? Plus, I bet that he's kinky af so I wanted him to make me call him 'daddy' or 'papi'" I giggled again. "It was fun, but after a while we wanted more so we agreed on invite some male strippers. Watched a film with them" I bent on the first officers shoulder like as if it was a secret, but said loudly "They turned me on real hard" I licked my lips "And because he's 'Jason McCann right' now" I said and made those annoying quotation marks with my fingers "We thought that it would be really hot if they came as officers." I finished. "So do you guys wanna come in, or what?" I smirked at them and tried to look excited. They exchange confused looks. Ha! I definitely did it. I mean, who would say something like that if there would be Jason McCann behind them and they had to cover for him. Only me. I smiled proudly, I should be a writer or film producer. Hahah, never. "We're sorry miss, but we're not the uh strippers. I think, that it was mistake." They turned around and stepped in their car. "Have fun!" A younger police man yelled playfully and earned some slaps from the others. I only laughed and waved happily, like as if my life couldn't be better. As I saw the last car disappear I exhaled deeply and closed the door. I felt a hot breathe on my neck and I turned around gasping. "Jason! Don't scare me like that!" "Sorry, but I had to check that it's really you since you just talked with them about sex games and I don't think that you're doing stuff like that." He explained and I took off my bathrobe and headed to the kitchen. "Oh, and about that. You don't need someone to play me, I could just fuck you." I glared at him. Did he really just say that? "And you bet that I'm kinky, huh?" He smirked. He came closer to me. "Well, sometimes. But I don't like it when all those sluts call me daddy and shit. It just sounds stupid." I turned into a really dark shade of red.

Ending up at Mccann's house✔️Where stories live. Discover now