Chapter 16

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Avelyn's Point Of View:

I got woke up by a worried Tyler who ran in my room stressing around. "You good?" I asked in my morning voice and raised my brows. "No, no I'm not! We have to go on a mission and you can't stay here alone! What if something happens? Omg, you're going to get killed. I bet that Brandon doesn't has time to come here real quick. It's what? A few hours flight plus driving? We need someone now, but no one unknown. UUUGGH, the rest of the Gang isn't even in the country-" 

"Gosh, breath Ty and get some Nachos." I interrupted him and went into my closet to grab some jeans, Vans and a t-shirt.

I walked out and started to put mascara on. "Besides, what do you mean by 'the rest of the Gang'? I thought that it's only you guys." Tyler laughed behind me. "Well, we're like the most important ones, but without the other 50 men this Gang would never work." I choked on my spit. "50?!" I spun around and let my mascara fall down. "Yeah, the other 200 are not THAT important." "200..." I think that I'm going to faint. So Jason was the boss over 258 people? No way. They're so big (that's what she said). Tyler coughed awkwardly. "Yeah, umm. Just get down after you finished. It's still not okay that you'll be staying here. Someone has to be here with ya." I put back the mascara and walked down. 

I could just stay in my room, if he'd be happy with it. Draw, print out some pictures and take new ones, design or write. I'm good at killing time. "What's up Tyler's baby sis?" I heard Luc cheer and he grinned at me with a goofy grin. "Heard, that ya need some baby sitter, huh? Well, sorry. I won't do it. I already have to babysit my oreo's." He saluted and enthusiastically walked out of the room. His oreo's?! 

I turned around to the others. "Look, Tyler. I can stay alone I could just chill in my room." "No you can't. I don't wanna risk your life. Who could stay?" I quickly realized that they all already have and irreplaceable job. Seducing, distracting from seducing person , stalking, watching the guns, killing, watching the boss. Tyler looked around and sighed. "I have an idea, but Jason, don't kill me for that." I looked up alarmed. He wouldn't do that, would he? "Shoot." Jason said and Tyler gulped down. "So, you don't have a big job in this mission, since you planned it all and shit. So, uh, you could stay here. Ryan is 'protecting' you and helping kill the victim/s. If you wouldn't be there, he could concentrate on the killing completely. Not that it would be easier and better without you boss." He quickly added.

Jason observed him with a hard gaze but softened as he glanced at me. "Alright" He breathed out and Tyler looked at him relieved. "Thank you boss. Thank you so much. We won't disappoint you."

Tyler said and everyone got up. Ryan jogged down to the basement and came back with several guns. He gave one to each and kept 5. They said a quick bye and walked out. "Take good care of her and don't you dare touch her." Tyler said to Jason and then joined the others. After I heard the door close it was completely silent. Weird. I turned to Jason and caught him already staring at me.

"So" he cleared his throat. "What are we gonna do now?" He asked me. I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I'm not a baby and you're not my babysitter." "Actually," He raised one finger and smirked up at me, because he was sitting on the couch and I was standing. "I am your babysitter and that means that you're a baby." He stated. I turned around, threw back my hair and walked up the stairs. "Ooo, being all shady and Diva. I see." I heard him chuckle behind me and I flinched. I hadn't noticed that he followed me. "Oh, com'on. Don't tell me you aren't. That hair flip though." He laughed even louder. "You're so annoying" I walked into my room and of course, he followed me.

He went straight to my drawer and opened it up. A smirk formed on his face. He took out a pair of panties and stretched them. "Nice." He stated and turned around STILL WITH MY PANTIES IN HIS HANDS. I snatched them away from him and put them back in the drawer. "What do you want Jason?" I asked annoyed, but I couldn't hide my red cheeks.

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