Chapter 2-Piano

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(Above: what Yoongi was playing on the piano in which happens later in the chapter)

Jimins POV

What upset me the most was that the boy never showed his face.

It had to be someone from this school though- he was carrying a familiar looking back pack.

Also, if he was following me, he most likely would be in the same school, and maybe even in the same classroom.

Either way I had to find out who he was, stalker or not.

I cannot stop thinking about him and the encounter I first made with him that day. He was so mysterious I had to find out more about him.

I am so lost in these thoughts that I can't even pay attention in class today.... like i ever even did.

Lyrics overflow with new feelings on the page as I struggle to put them together.

Unfortunately when school ended I found out that we had homework on a topic I didn't know a thing about, and I was probably going to fail the class.

Walking out of the building I catch the sight of a boy wearing a black leather jacket. I notice that he does not have a backpack over his shoulder unlike the rest of the students racing to go home. It was then that I began to grow suspicious of him.

-short Time skip to Jimin at the dance studio alone-

I was sad that the boy didn't come today. I thought he would for one of the reasons that he'd come back to get his backpack.

I turn on the music louder than before in hopes that I could get him off my mind by dancing, but nothing worked.

Dancing has always been easy for me, or so I thought. Frustrated and a little tired, I decided to go wander around other abandoned buildings hoping for inspiration.

(Don't ask why let's just say it's a place that so happens to have a LOT of abandoned buildings or something...)

It didn't take long when I came across a building a couple blocks away. It was an abandoned small theatre that had been long forgotten and hardly noticed. I was able to notice it though because an enchanting sound was coming from it. A very faint sound echoed in my ears as it pulled my attention closer to it.

I slouched into a chair in the very back row making sure that I wasn't noticeable. On the stage, there was an object that stood out from everything else.

A piano.

It seemed strange because it looked new unlike everything else in the building. Sitting on the piano bench was the maker of the beautiful sound, who looked and sounded graceful while his fingers smoothly played along the white and black piano keys, his eyes closed.

He had mint green hair, and skin almost as pale as snow. Before I knew it I was unable to blink, it became really hard to not move my feet or dance. A burst of inspiration exploded inside of me but I knew I had to keep myself hidden, I didn't want to stop him from playing.

The boy stopped for a moment, looked up at the hole in the ceiling creating a spotlight, and sat there with his eyes closed letting his face soak under the sunlights warmth. His leather jacket said it all that he was the one at school without a backpack, and at the same time something did and didn't make sense about who this person really was. Either way, I wasn't afraid to encounter him, now that There's a possibility that he is the boy I can't stop thinking about. I wait until he is done playing when I walk up to him making him jump. I know it's childish, but I love sneaking up on people when they think they're alone.

The boy almost swore as he jumped from the sneak attack.

"What the f-"

he stopped his sentence shocked at the sight of my face. It was a different expression than I was expecting however, it looked more like as if he knew me or something.

I smiled devilishly.


I almost burst out laughing then apologized more sincerely shortly after.

He looked as if he was going to kill me with those cold dead eyes of his. But instead he only replied in saying,

"...y-you didn't hear anything, d-did you?"

Apparently he was more concerned of how I judged his piano playing rather than what my name is or what I was doing here.

"Maybe...." I looked away.

He suddenly curled up into a little ball of frustration and anxiety. It looked as if he was trying his best to keep himself from punching me in the face, that or start crying.

"What's wrong?" I reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Only for him to respond by rejecting my hand and almost full out exploding on me.

But then he decided on it more not to yell.

"What do you think....nobody was supposed to hear that....I'm sure now that you'd think it was terrible.."

He covered his face slightly rocking back and forth on the piano bench. I couldn't help but awe at this, how he looked like a cute little sensitive marshmallow or something. I sat beside him on the piano bench at the same time keeping my distance from him a little.

I poked a key on the piano hearing it's
High pitched sound echo back at me. Staring at the piano I wondered how he could have ever learned to play something on such a complicated instrument, with so many black and white keys, each one playing a different role in a song or melody.

"How do you do it?" I looked at him.

He peeked his head out slightly and calmed down not wanting to overreact. I could almost hear his heart screaming in sounds of a low drum beat.

"Do what? Play the piano? I don't know... it's kind of hard to explain..."

he rubbed the back of his neck then started naturally placing his fingers on the keys.

I stared in shock and amazement at how easily the boy played the piano, when all of a sudden quiet words came out of my mouth before I knew it.

"Will you be my friend?"

Ummm.... this is weird. I've never needed friends, as far as I know. I never asked anybody like this before either, which is why I'm covering my mouth with a slight bit more shock this time.

Perhaps it was that I was too eager, being as straightforward to someone I'd hardly even met.

The boy stopped playing and stared back at me too, looking the slightest bit confused.

"Sorry, What did you say?" He turned his head a little to the side, puzzled.

I cleared my throat a little and took a deep breath, clearly nervous.

"...will....y-you be my friend?"

His expression changed instantly from confused to suprised at the sudden question. Slowly, his face formed the cutest smile I'd ever seen.

"Yes!" He said nudging my shoulder, making me giggle a little.

"What's your name?"

"Min Yoongi, yours?"

"Park Jimin."

I said proudly, showing off my eye smile.

For the rest of the evening, I got to hear Yoongi play the piano until his fingers grew sore. We didn't have anyone waiting for us at home, so we slept on the stage pointing out stars from the visible hole through the roof that revealed the night sky.

The moment was almost too perfect, and we cherished every minute of it.

That is, until one of my thoughts slipped out of my mouth.

"Were you the boy I saw yesterday at the dance studio?"

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