Chapter 6- Sleepover

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(Above: btw I HATE this song because it's so freaking catchy and well it makes me cringe by it fits with this chapter because well it's called sleepover sooooo I'm adding it anyways sorry if you like this song that I don't .. so. Freaking. Catchy. )

Jimin's POV

"Yah! Yoooooooonnnnggggiiiiiiii!!!!"

"What do you wan-"

Before I gave him time to turn around and answer I jumped up on his back and nearly knocked him over into the sidewalk.

"What the hell Jimin I'm not a horse!" He smiled turning his head a little to see my face exploding of laughter.

"I know" I giggled. My shoulders tightly placed themselves on his shoulder as he held onto my thighs so I wouldn't fall.

"You're weird, you know that?" He said laughing.

"Ya I know. Hey wanna have a sleepover?"

"And where did you get that idea from?" he allowed me to get off so I could talk to him properly face to face.

"It just came to me. So, please? It would be so much fun!"

Yoongi shrugged. "Okay, but it'll have to be at your house. When do you want it to be?"

"Tonight!" I exclaimed happily.



"I swear to god Park Jimin if you don't stop hitting me with that pillo-"

Nope. Haha, he wasn't going to get me this time. I slipped out from his grip on my wrist and ran down the hallway like a lunatic, laughing uncontrollably. Yoongi was chasing behind me, with a mix between a mad and happy expression on his cat like face.

Feathers from the pillow were scattered on the living room and bedroom floor. Scents of popcorn and coco cola came from the kitchen, and flowers in the other rooms from the plants assorted throughout the house. In the corner of the living room, an old brown piano sat waiting to be played. However I had covered it up with a white cloth to show to Yoongi later. Well, hopefully soon if he would stop chasing me.

I was quick to close the door but not to lock it, nor was I very strong at the moment. Yoongi forced the door open and trapped me in the corner of the room between the wall and the door with a deadly look in his eyes. My crescent eyes widened and my instincts alert, Yoongi was scary when he was mad, even if he really wasn't seriously all that mad. I could feel a lump coming at my throat as I could feel his breathe tingle on my skin.

"Don't hit me with a freakin pillow." He mumbled, sounding slightly out of breath.

The only thing I could seem to do is nod and blush furiously, then manage to slip away and lay down on the bed exhausted from running. Yoongi did the same laying opposite of me, our head's bumping into each other lightly.

A couple minutes later after we both caught our breaths (it was a really big house let's say), I perked my head up and held out my hand waiting for Yoongi to take it. He slowly got up and connected his cold and dry hand with my small and clammy one.

"There's something I want to show you, follow me."

I led him to the living room where the piano is, and from the corner of my eye i saw his gummy smile, which just might be my greatest weakness.

Letting go of his hand I revealed the piano and laid the white sheet on the couch. I excitedly examined his facial expression when he saw the piano. His gummy smile grew and silently asked my permission to play it.

Once Yoongi's fingers hit the keys, I felt as if I could just lose myself in the flow of his playing. I laid down on the couch facing my head and laying it on the arm of the couch. In a matter of time, I could feel my eyelids getting heavy.

Soon enough I fell asleep.

Yoongi's POV

After the last note there was complete silence, except for the faint snores coming from Jimin who was apparently sleeping on the couch.

I smiled, getting up to wrap a soft blanket over him and manage to somehow put a pillow under his head. Seeing that the couch was big enough, I laid down next to him feeling clingy and tired.

Hopefully he won't be weirded out in the morning.

A very short sleepover I would cal it lolll

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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