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The forest was dense I couldn't figure out my way out anymore but I couldn't stop. I could hear him behind me he was so close. My pulse growing by each step. I feel tired. My feeble legs can't run anymore. My hands are cuffed. My breathing is louder now. Suddenly I hit a twig which sends me flying several feet ahead causing me to fall on my face. Damn that hurts! I turn around and he's there with a pistol pointing straight to my for head. A can feel the cold sweat on my face. He moves his finger to pull the trigger..
"Alexis! Alexis!" I woke up with a pain on my cheek.
"Auch! "I screamed. "Was that even necessary? " I asked her.
"Hey your the one who started it. "She screamed back at me. I looked at her and her cheek was developing a purple mark. Oh shit! I slapped her again while sleeping. I looked at her mischievously hoping she had not taken it seriously but the look on her face was different. She was disappointed.
"We have 20 minutes to school." Was all she said and walked out of the room.
Monica Ferrer has been my best friend since my first day in college. She is the sweetest person I have met here. We share almost all the classes. We are not roommates. After that incident 5 months ago, I can't help but think that someone is out there to get me. But now it wasn't in reality but In fucking nightmares. Which is why for the 3 months i have been more of like making Monica sleepover at my place.
The first few days were okay with just a few questions about my family or the scar on my left cheek. I memorized the events of the accident. I didn't want to raise any suspicions. There were no nightmares too. I felt peaceful. A week after the nightmares be came my worst nightmare. My worst fears were awake again. The haunting and hunting had began. I couldn't sleep alone let alone stay in any place alone. I know I sound paranoid but who wouldn't after everything that has happened before. I couldn't help but rely on Monica for company. The thing is I always wake up after slapping her or punching her. After 5 years of training in jujitsu you can guess the damage I can make. I broke her nose thrice sent her to hospital on countable occasions of her unconscious with a concussion. But the worst thing after everything I can't tell her about my nightmares. I mean if I tell her she would have a lot of questions that will lead to me revealing my past and lets be honest i can't tell anyone about me. They would be scared of me and the worst would be my enemies finding me. I know I sound selfish and I hate myself for that. Every time I wake up and realise that I have hurt her I give her a mischievous look and say sorry and she would start fight to revenge and I would let her or i would pretend to be pranking her but that's when she doesn't bleed or doesn't need to go to the hospital.
Today was different. She shouted at me. She looked sad. I mean who wouldn't get tired of being woken up with blows every morning. I feel bad but I can't just tell her about my nightmares. After a quick shower I pick up a black ripped jeans and a grey top. It was pretty warm outside. I hate have my hair all over my face but I couldn't risk and let someone study my features. The scar on my cheek was almost gone. It looked more of like a little birth mark now. I put on mascara and a nude lipstick to complete my attire. I pick up my bag and run down stares. Monica was seating on the sofa staring at her phone. She stared up at me for a second then returned her gaze to her phone. "Hey Mon, did we have any assignments?"I asked to start a conversation. "No. " She said plainly.

Now I have a big problem. I walk passed her to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I love food. I find waffles on the kitchen table. Wow yummy! I love waffles. Mon made waffles and here I am being the worst friend ever. I feel bad and loosing my appetite but not eating would make her feel worse. I eat 3 and pick 2 to eat on the way. Being a daughter of two well known chefs in the country you couldn't expect less. Everything she pulled out was amazing. And selfishly that's another reason I love her around here. You can't blame me you know I suck at cooking.
I walk out of the kitchen to the living room. Mon is at the same position staring at her phone. Her short flowery red dress showing her perfect long legs marching with her red heels. I moved quietly behind her and hugged her from behind. Her long straight blond hair was neatly tied into a bun. "Your cooking is amazing. "I told her when our cheeks met. She turned around to face me. The mark on the cheeks was gone. Being a great make up artist she could do anything. I wasn't surprised but that didn't make me feel any better. Her lips were painted red. She smiled at me. Wait she's smiling. "Thank you for always saying that. Now we shouldn't be late for class. " with that she pulled my hand and we were running out.

We drove silently on my Audi r8 till she finally broke the silence. "Look Alex I can't sleep at your place anymore. "

Hello lovelies I hope you enjoyed the chapter. More to come soon. Sorry guys for the long wait.

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