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I couldn't move my hands and legs. I was restrained. He was bleeding. He would die. I have to help him. "Somebody help!!!! " I screamed on top of my voice. "Somebody help!!! "Came the echo. Where are we?
"Alex. "
"Alex "
"Nobody will hear you, they are long gone. "
He looked sad. Drained.
"Baby. Hush, it's going to be okay. We'll get out of here and get you to hospital. I need you to live. Stay strong for me. " I said looking at sternly at him. He shouldn't die. He can't die.
The chains in my hands were becoming unbearable. My arms hurt.
"Alex, listen to me. You have to be strong. " Is he trying to say goodbye ?
"No, no, babe no. Please just stop talking you'll be okay. " Tears were forming in my eyes.
"Alex listen to me! " He said sternly. I couldn't stop my tears anymore. He is saying goodbye.
"You ha-ve to be st-ro-ng. Y-ou have- to g-et out-of here. N-ow. "He started coughing, spitting a lot of blood.
Oh no.
"Please hold on, I'll get you out of here. I love you so much. Please babe. Stay strong. " I tried to sound strong failing miserably.
I tried to struggle with the chains and to my own surprise the hands slipped through. I couldn't help but feel happy. Though I big bruise was on both hands for now I didn't mind. I have to save him. I untied my legs running quickly running to him.
"Your bleeding? " He said which came out more as a question. He was the one with serious injuries yet he was worrying about me.
I cupped his face and kissed him which he returned passionately.
"I need to get you out of here now. " I said seriously with my eyes wondering anywhere but not at him.
"Alex, look at me. "
I was trying to avoid the worry and sadness in his eyes.
Those emerald eyes that I've always loved looking at. They looked so drained and weak.
"Alex, am sorry, you can't save me. "He just said what I had been avoiding all along.
"What no, no way. I can. Babe we have a future to fight for. "I let out feeling hurt. I can't loose him.
"Alex babe, lis-ten to -me. " I couldn't stay strong anymore. I held his Hand to my lips kissing it.
"You-ha-ve to g-et out - of he-re noo-ow. "
He was getting weaker minute after minute. My heart was breaking with every word he was saying. I wasn't ready to let him go. I love him so much.
"Babe, ale-x, pl-ea-se. G-et ou-ut no-oow ." He was trying to push me away.
"No, I won't, never. "I cried holding him stubbornly. He held my face up. He was crying too.
"I lo-ove y-oo-u ba-by. " a faint genuine smile appeared on his face and he let out a breathe he was holding. His hand dropped down. He went numb.
"No baby. I love you too. Please wake up. Please don't live me. " he can't live me alone. I needed him.
"Babe please, wake up. Talk to me. Please babe. " I tried shaking his body but he wasn't moving.
He was dead. Gone forever. I lied down next to him smuggling my self into his broad arms hopping that he would move his hands and hold me back. I didn't Care about the blood which was all over anymore. I wanted him to wake up.
Minutes passed and he didn't move.
He was gone forever.
He left me.
He is dead.

Minutes later I heard voices. I woke up and ran to the back where I believe there was another door. I was a pretty good athlete but I couldn't run yet. I have to see who they are. I crept back slowly and his behind a big tank.
"He's dead, call the boss Amos. " one of the men said to another slender one who I believe was Amos.
"What to we do to the body? "Amos asked.
"Just call the boss. "The first guy responded harshly. He seemed to be the tougher one.
Amos left leaving the first guy to investigate the body.
"Tell him the girl escaped. " the first guy yelled at Amos who seemed to have gone outside to make the call.
"He said we should take it back for burial. "Amos said returning in after a few minutes.
They will give him a proper burial. But where?
"And we have twenty four hours to bring the girl in. Supposedly she has something he wants. "
The necklace.

The first guy threw his head up. Something flashed in his eyes. Anger. But he hid it immediately nodding.
I have to get out of here now.
Slowly I move back making sure I don't hit anything and make a sound.
After I get outside. I find the place familiar. I have been here before.
The old factory.
The gravel hurts my feet but I can't stop here. I have to run.
In a distance I see a motorbike.
Okay, a motorbike in a middle of a forest? Shit, this place is surrounded.I look around but I couldn't see anyone.
This motorbike is my ticket home. I thought. Hiding in the trees I walked slowly towards the bike. Getting closer I saw that the keys were still on the lock. Luck was on my side.

Looking around there was no sign of anyone close there. I walked slowly to it picking the keys, but the voice startles me causing me to scream and jump.
"Going somewhere? "
I turn around to see the first guy from the factory.
Oh yeah, luck was not on my side.
With that held my held and I felt a warm handkerchief on my mouth.
"Go to sleep princess. "
Was the last thing I heard before everything turned black.

Kidnapped again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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