Moving 🏘

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Hey I'm Tia, I'm 14 and all I can think about in life is Max and Harvey. I smile when I think about them, I'm sad when I picture them with someone else, when I'm tired I dream about them, when I'm awake I'm thinking about them.. my whole life revolves around them..

After lots and lots of begging, my mum finally agreed to move house to Berkshire so I could go to school with Max and Harvey

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After lots and lots of begging, my mum finally agreed to move house to Berkshire so I could go to school with Max and Harvey.. we finally arrived in Berkshire and I had already decorated my room.

It was 11pm so I decided to kip it so I was ready for school tomorrow. Maybe I'd meet some new people? I hope so.

I woke up to my mum shouting after sleeping through my alarms.. as usual. I shot up, got changed and put my hair into a messy bun, grabbed my bag and darted out of the door after saying goodbye to my parents.

When I got to school I saw two boys approaching me. They were really cute so I stood, flicked my hair and waved. (A/N: Remember talking bout that 😂)

I stopped for a second and remembered... OH MY GOD THAT IS MAX AND HARVEY! Harvey said to me 'Hey are you new? We can show you around if you want?' I nodded and he took me by the arm and started walking.

'Oh, aren't I supposed to be in form?' I said concerned. Max and Harvey both looked at eachother and then Max said 'Oh that's in the back building' I was confused but Harvey backed him up so we started walking across the field to get to 'form'.

We all sat down on the field next to a tree for some reason and they pulled out a lot of snacks and drinks. 'So you for skipping till break?' Harvey said with a mischievous smile. It was Max and Harvey so I couldn't just refuse and run off so awkwardly I just sat down and started eating the snacks.

'Where were you from then?' Max asked inquisitively. 'Liverpool,' I said as he seemed genuinely interested. Time flew and we were all laughing and joking and I felt like I belonged with them. It was amazing to be honest.

'Hey, wanna push it further?' Max said smiling at me. I nodded and then Harvey moved closer to me and began explaining. 'That gate is always unlocked and there will be no one guarding it because they are all in class so do you want to come back to ours?'

I thought in my head whether this was right or not and I knew my parents would be disappointed. IF they found out which I bet Max and Harvey would never tell them. I pondered this thought for a bit and then confidently said 'LETS GO'.

They both smiled at eachother and we all sneaked out of the gate. I was slower than both Max and Harvey and we had to run or we would be caught so max took my bag and Harvey picked me up and ran. Inwardly I was screaming as this was literally my dream but I didn't want to say I was a super fan or even a fan or they would hate me.

We finally arrived at their house and Sara was at work and the rest of the family was out so Harvey got our his keys and let us in. We were having an amazing time, popcorn, films, more snacks and a blanket on the sofa.

I posted an Instagram picture with me and the boys with the caption 'Skippin' with my boys. @Maxandharveyofficial' and then I saw a lot of hate comments and horrible things people have said to me...

@User1: Bet she only said that to brag..
@User2: Uhm.. you only moved to their school because you were a super fan
@User3: Ugh, just go die, no one likes you.
@User4: Like if you think she brags too much (5,392 People Liked)
@User5: Run away bish
@User6: Run far away where no one can ever find you again.
@User7: They Hate you, they told me!

Max looked over my shoulder and said 'User 7 is right you know, isn't he Dylan? We are only doing this because you have no friends and we feel sorry for you'  I looked round shocked and all Dylan, Dobbie, Kimberly, Emily, Tom and Ethan were nodding..

These words echoed in my head when I finally stood up from the sofa and burst out of the door. I ran and ran to the train station and picked a spot to run away to.. London seemed like a far enough away place.

'1 ticket to London please' I asked the man behind the counter. 'Aren't you too young to be travelling alone?' He asked cautiously. 'Oh, my dad is meeting me on the other side' I lied through my teeth.

He gave me the ticket and I ran down the stairs and sat down waiting for the train. It had been 5 minutes and finally the train arrived. As I began taking a step onto the train I heard 2 voices shouting from the stairs 'TIA STOP PLEASE YOU CANT DO THIS!'

I stopped turned around and saw Harvey hurtling towards me and slamming into me, hugging me tight. 'I didn't think you guys cared' I cried.  'Why wouldn't we care.. I was going to ask if you would be my girlfriend before you left...'  Harvey said with tears in his eyes.

'I'm so sorry Tia.. Kim pushed to me to say that because we used to date and she was jealous.. After you left I told her to get out and I'll never forgive her' Max said, pain filling his eyes. 'It's okay Max.. I forgive you' He pulled me into a hug.

'Harvey, do you still want me to be?' I said, arms open wide as he went into cuddle me. 'Of course I do..' he said. 'Well then, of course I will Harvey..' I said as we started walking back up the Stairs. He went in front of me making me stop walking.

'Do you want something?' I jokingly said. He just giggled and moved his head closer to mine and then our lips touched. This all happened because we were Moving...
A/N: Made for Millsie101 , Hope you liked the fan fic. Love youu ♥

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