Well I'm feeling inspired so here you go
So this is a dilophasourus (well my own spin on it) they were about 20ft long and 6ft tall with many small pike like teeth int. Medium
Clestors are massive being about 370ft long and 50ft tall with a wingspan of 280ft they can range from 120ton to 150ton depending on if they have just eaten or just wake up(they will enter a hibernation when food is scarce) they will eat meat but when they are full they'll fill up a secondary pouch with flamible objects trees,gump plants, etc(sometimes even drinking oil when the opertunity arrives) and when threatened can spew out immense amounts of flame able to burn up to a mile of ground in seconds but after the first blast the only flame will be from what's left of the burning trees in its pouch so the flames will be weakened to only 100ft blasts
I feel like I went a little ham on that one