Flower of the Plateau

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"Goodmorning, Mr. Baker!" Mikulia waved from her spot behind her flower cart, smiling a bright cheery grin at the rounded man as he stuck a key into his shop door to open for the morning. 

"Oh, mornin' flower!" He said as he turned, giving a curt nod before stepping inside of his shop.

"Bread will be ready soon, then.." Mikulia hummed. She poked at a limp daisy and frowned. "If I'm able to sell.. three bouquets, I think I may be able to afford a loaf." She murmured aloud as she tried to reassemble the daisies so the drooping one was supported by friends. The baker's arrival also told her that the town was beginning to wake. First, the mother with seven children would come out to do her laundering, bucket full of clothing in her arms as she heaved them to the river. After her, the hunter would set up shop and proudly display his pelts and furs. And if the hunter was out, so was his son, knocking on the pretty girl's window to give her a flower- that is, after he'd spent some time sighing in front of Mikulia's cart, deciding which to buy. 

The town was like a family, really. Everybody depended on the other and acted as a symbiotic web to function and thrive. 

"Today, there's someone new in town!" The hunter's son cried as he ran up to Mikulia's flowers. "I heard my pa talking- I think it's someone important." 

Mikulia smiled as he spoke, amazed at his enthusiasm. "Oh, well, I'll have to offer them a flower." She mused before plucking a single rose from a nearby pot and leaning over the edge of her cart to hand the boy his daily flower. "On the house today." She flashed him a little grin.


When the new man came to town, everything was a hush.

All breaths were held when the lord stepped from the carriage. Coming from a close by manor, he had come to meet the sister town. 

When he turned to meet the eyes of a lovely flower standing idly by, watching in awe with all the others, he felt love in his heart.

The town wished them many years of happiness and cheered for their love. 


"Flower, flower!" The boy cried, startling Mikulia and causing her to jump as she leaned against the wooden counter. 

"Oh, goodness.." She muttered, shaking her head lightly and laughing nervously. "Yes?" 

"There's someone new in town, but he scares me. Why is he here?" The boy wondered aloud. 

Mikulia simply shrugged. She didn't much care for a new man, all she could think about was her love back home. Though they were engaged to be married within several months, she still enjoyed taking her flower cart to her home town- choosing not to spend her days in the mansion.


When the new man stumbled into town, drunk and vile, he harassed every woman in sight and pushed at the men, picking fights he couldn't handle.

When he reached the flower's cart, he let out a heavy scoff that spilt the scent of alcohol into the air.

"What a pretty, pure flower." He taunted. "And a ring on her hand. I'm sure nobody would want to love what a disgusting creature you truly are." The man swiped his hand across the flower display and shattered her beautiful vases and pots.

Petals lay strewn across the ground, sinking into the mud.


Mikulia was frozen. The blood on her fingers dripped onto her lovely blue dress and stained her nails a deep scarlet. The body inches in front of her heaved it's final breath before it was still. 

"You can't.. tell them.... now." She whispered with a hoarse tone, wide eyes fixated on the man dead before her. And she laughed. Pure bliss of laughter. They would never know who she used to be, he could never tell them. 

She pulled his heavy body over the edge of the well, and let it fall. The crack was sickening, but she would never be more relieved.


When the flower left the town for good, everyone wished her farewell, the pure beautiful flower that would grow on forever. 

The rotting leaves at the bottom of the well hid her lies and deceit, as well as the blood stained knife tucked under her dress.

Nobody knew her secret, but me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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