Hey, So I've noticed that there are 45 reads on here which is 40 more than last time I checked. Can I tell you how amazing this is?
I know some people celebrate at whatever K but listen up here, this is the most views any of my real authentic stories I have ever gotten. Thank you! My god, 45. Dang, can't wait till people hear about my stories and get it all the way up to the 100's. So let people know, that is if you like my stories.
Heaven Jesus. I love writing, and I would LOVE to hear from you about what you love about my writing.
Thanks for listening,
The Chosen One
FantasyAlex: Your not so typical teenage girl, Crazy straight blonde hair, green eyes, a walking stick according to her friends. She's rich or more specifically her mom is. She works at a low key café and so would you if your mom is the manager of the most...