Chapter 1 :)

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Hello this is going to be an Ed and 1D teen fiction and i hope that you enjoy the first chapter! But first to make it easy... Melissa is the person who's description you read earlier now here is her POV ... Ok ENJOY!!!!!!!


Have you ever been alone in the dark...and you feel like someone's watching you? Well studies show that 70% of the time, when you wake up between 2-3 AM, that someone IS watching you...but that's wrong. Someone is watching you but not 70% of the time, but 100%. But it's not a creepy clown or a rapist...but an angel...your angel. Everyone has a guardian angel. It's NOT like your boyfriend is your guardian angel! It's dead people...but don't get freaked out yet bae cause this is the cool part! The good angels have trained in over 100 fighting techniques, mastered 25 languages and ,the coolest part yet, they can morph into anyone on earth...not so weirded out now are ya? BUT only certain angels have these abilities...only the people in The A Team. The A Team is a new program here at A.P.P. You have to pass a sires of tests to get in... Athletics, Intelligence, and humane. Humane? You ask... Well the humane part of the test is to see exactly how human you are...still don't get it...'s too see if your too nice or too mean...exactly how much you care for the planet...and what would you do if you we're put into life threatening situations where people have chances of dyeing. If you pass those tests with a 100% each, you get into the program!

But so far only one person has I'm Melissa Rodriguez, I have black hair, brown eyes, I died in 1990...yeah I know that's a long time ago...but I'm still a 20 year old girl, well woman, I don't know my cause of death...none of us angels do... I'm not like other angels though, I am not all white lips and pale face, I am kinda a punk... I have tattoos, piercings, and I DONT wear white!!!!!! White is not my color. I wear black, blue, and pink! Every other girly angel wonders how I passed the test...well let's just say that I know how to take care of myself and others and that's why I passed!

So now I'm in Madam Barbra's office and it's been exactly 24 hours after the test.

"So you know why you are here?" She asked while circling me

"Ummm....let me think first...does it have to do with the fact that I'm the only angel out of millions that passed the test?" I said trying to show of

"You are no angel! You are a joke!" Ouch that stung

"Well that's very rude to say...and you're supposed to be the nicest bitch of them all?" I rose a brow

"Do not fucking curse in this room!!"

"You're a hypocrite!! You just cussed!!!!" I was now pointing at this cunt that I have to call Barbra.

"You know what?" She asked


I looked at her hand and saw her slide twenty angel dollars under her long pink nail. I took the money and looked at her.

"Tell no one" she instructed

Does she really think that 20 angel bucks will keep me quiet?!?! Well...she thinks right...

I nodded once and she said "let us get down to business.."

She took out a file that said 'classified' out of her desk and slid it towards me. I grabbed it before it fell off and opened it.

"These six boys are friends, five of them are in a band together. their names are Harold Edward Styles, Louis William Tomlinson, Liam James Payne, Niall James Horan, Zayn Javadd Malik, and the other one, Edward Christopher Sheeran, is a solo artist."

"And why do I need this information?"

"You need it because you will be guarding and watching over these boys."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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