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"what am i going to do daemi? the guy took it!"

seoyon couldn't stop crying after she saw a stranger stole her letter. tears were running through her cheeks. her nose was red and her eyes were swollen. daemi sighed. she couldn't do anything about the situation other than comforting her and wished she could do more.

"how does he look like?"

seoyon blew her nose before she speaks. "well, i couldn't see his face but he was tall, have broad shoulder and wear fancy clothes." as she recalled the incident, she continued to cry even more, wailing "my letter!".

"can't you make another one?"

"no. that was like my only piece of confidence and it blew away,"

"i'm sorry seoyon, i shouldn't have taken the letter from you."

"it's okay, it's not your fault."

"let's hope the guy would return it back. in the meantime, let's go wash your face before your next class begins,"

they went to the nearest water fountain and daemi helped her wash seoyon's face. when the school bell rang, they both went to their own class as usual. seoyon tried her best to focus on the lesson and jotted down few notes on her book. no matter how much she tries, her mind still lingered to that particular stranger. she had so many questions, but they're left unanswered.

a few hours later after studying in college and tuition, seoyon left and rushed to enter the last train. it was almost midnight at that time.

she then plopped down, exhaling as she rested against the seat. she took out her water bottle and drank it, but she spits them when she saw the person infront of her. her eyes widened in shock and pointed her finger to the person. it was the stranger.

"what the hec─"

"you! you're that guy who stole my letter!"

"you could've ask me to return it but noooo, you just had to splash your dirty water on me,"

he clenched his teeth, balling his fingers into a fist. she laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck out of embarrassment. she then handed him her handkerchief, lowering her head.

"i'm very sorry, i didn't mean it,"

"you better be," he took the handkerchief and wiped his face.

", can i have my letter back?"

he rolled his eyes at her and gave the letter back. she sighed in relief, hugging her letter after getting separated for so long. he covered his mouth and softly chuckled at the sight of it.

"but hey, don't you remember me?"

"huh? um well..."

seoyon studied his face for a while, frowning as she tried to remember hard, but to no avail. she shook her head. he gasped, placing a hand on his chest. he felt hurt.

"it's me! your best childhood friend, your nonbiological brother, kim seokjin!"

as soon as he mentioned his name, it rang a bell to seoyon. her face lightened up and she squealed. how could she forget her friend who's been taking care of her throughout her primary school years?

"oh my god, jin! i didn't recognize you. you look different and more handsome too!"

"hey i was handsome too back then,"

then together, they reminisced their past and talked about their recent life events as well. they then came to a topic about their love life. seoyon vented about her one-sided love to him. jin was intrigued by her story and listened very well to the details.

"this hoseok does he look like? do you have any of his picture?"

seoyon smirked at him. seoyon pulled out her phone to show a folder of her crush, containing more than a thousand of pictures. jin was completely astonished, looking at her then her phone, back and forth. seoyon was describing each picture of what he did, where he did and what time he did. her excitement gradually declined as she realized how crazy she sounded.

"you must think i'm creepy," she mumbled, putting her phone down on her lap.

"to be honest, lowkey but not much. love does that; it makes people crazy." jin patted her back. seoyon beamed at him, nodding in agreement. jin looked at her phone once again to examine his pictures.

"he looks so familiar," he took out his phone to show a picture of a guy, "your crush looks the same as my friend and has same name. could it be...?"

seoyon puzzled and looked over to his phone. she gasped loudly. it was no doubt that they're the same person.

"holy cow."

"and the plot thickens. man, i can't wait to tell him when i got home-"

"no! don't tell him! at least, not until i confess to him,"

"with your love letter? hunty, you don't even write your name on it."

seoyon went quiet, shifting glances to anywhere except him. she sighed in defeat.

"thought so. tell you what, i'll help you hook up with him" he winked at her, wriggling his eyebrows and nudging his elbow on her arm. she punched his arm, shaking her head in complete disappointment.

"kidding. i meant to say that i can help you win his heart."

"um maybe help me be friends with him first."

"sure whatever," he shrugged.

seoyon threw her arms and wrapped them around him tightly as a gesture to show her gratitude. jin hugged her back, softly patting her head. the train came to a halt to the last station and they stepped out. after that, they exchanged their numbers and did their signature handshakes from primary school years before they go to their separate ways.

jin looked over his shoulder and saw her skipping like a child, emitting rainbows, flowers and rays of sunshine around her. a small smile formed on his lips.

she's such an embarrassment what a cutie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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