Chapter 10

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SIKE! Hey guys, I'm back. Enjoy this update. :)

The amount of stress that was suddenly placed on my shoulders didn't make me feel any better about Hunter trying to kill himself. Tears welled up in my eyes, whom of which are probably bloodshot - the emotions I haven't hesitated to hold back trickled down my face and landed onto Hunter's hand I was gripping softly, yet, tightly on my thigh. "Hey angel," a weak voice mumbled which got my attention, I looked down at Hunter and there he was smiling sickly and his eyes met mine. 

"Oh gosh, Hunter what happened?" I frowned, caressing his cheek gently and shakily. 

His eyes went glossy, "I thought you didn't love me anymore and I couldn't handle the thought of not having the girl I adore with all my heart in my life.." He slowly decreased his pace of speech and his volume. 

Brandon and Blake were still there, sitting on the surrounding chairs. "I never meant to hurt you Lex, p-please take me back" he begged and tears escaped his eyes and rolled down his cheek, I mentally groaned. 

"Hunter, I-I saw you kiss her b-back," no emotion was felt or being experienced. I slowly let go of his hand, not paying attention to him, his hand gripped mine tightly before I fully let his loose, "what are you doing?" he questions. 

I ripped my hand away from his and began pacing out of the room, "leaving, that's what I'm doing Hunter." Tears rised in my eyes, yet, not spilling out even when harshly blinking. Blake came out of the room and slowly approached me, "are you okay?" he whispers wrapping his arms around me. Instead of replying I just lunged into his arms and sobbed.

"I don't know if I can love him again Blake, he's broken my trust many times" I muffled in his jumper, his hand was rubbing up and down my back in comfort. "I just don't want him to hurt himself again," my cries got a bit louder at the thought of him trying to commit suicide and succeeding. 

"Shh Lex, he'll be okay" Blake hushed and I stopped staining his jumper with my tears. "I'm here for you, you know that right?" his hands were on my shoulders and we met each other's eyes, "I know" I sigh and hug him. I gathered myself and went back into Hunter's room, Brandon was talking with him in the chair I sat in earlier, "Hunter don't chase things that you won't get, because Lex won't love you again..." once I heard him say that I wanted to have another breakdown and just leave. They both looked at me, tears again welled up in my assumably bloodshot eyes and I slammed the door shut - at speed walk pace, I left the hospital and got an Uber back to the hotel. 

Gathering all my things, I checked out of the hotel then jumped back in the same Uber and he flashed through all the highway traffic before reaching the domestic terminal and I grabbed my things and paid/waved the driver away. 

My notifications were getting ridiculous. Mentions in comments, tags, comments, likes, etc. 

user - I was at Playlist after the show hoping the boys wouldn't be too long to come out and I could thank them for an amazing day, but Alexa came out with all her things and an Uber came and she got in, then about 10 maybe 15 minutes later Hunter came out sobbing and he was heading for the road. Immediately I got up and followed not sure if any of the other boys would come out, but Brandon raced out of the building and a few seconds later, Hunter was being dragged back onto the footpath and I helped Brandon. Putting two and two together, I presume there's something wrong between Hunter and Alexa's relationship. Hope Hunter has a speedy recovery. <3

user - @user yeah elaborating on your theory with their relationship, hunter was spotted kissing with one of the fans who possibly could have came onto him but idk. 

user - Alexa is such a trouble maker for all of the boys, smh

user - guys before you all call alexa a trouble maker, wait until they come out with the full story! gosh

"Flight 149D to Phoenix, now boarding..." 

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