Step Brother// H.S

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"Give me back my book!" I yell running down the long and big hallway.

I finally reach the kitchen where dad and Anne where sitting. To the right side of them was my annoying step brother, Harry. He smirked while hiding my book in his back.

"Dad, Harry took my book!" I groan while placing both hands on my hips.

"I did not" Harry gasps putting one hand over his chest dramatically. I give him a death glare. If only looks could kill he would be lying on the ground in a second.

"Yes you did! it's in your back you idiot!" I was getting so annoyed with him always annoying the shit out of me. He would always prank me, annoy me, and sometime he would even put me down by saying mean things. I know he thinks it's just a joke but sometimes his words hurt.

"Harry give April back her Book" Anne says giving Harry a stern look.

"Ugh, fine" he hands me back my book and I snatch it away from him.

Harry has been my step brother practically my whole life. When I was 1 year my mom died and dad remarried to Anne. That's where I found out she had a devil child. His name was Harry and he was 2 years old. I remember us always fighting. And look at us now...Oh how nothing's changed. He's still the same annoying idiot I meet when we were small. We're practically almost real brother and sister but not really.

"When are you guys going to learn how to get along?!" my dad groans from the desk he was sitting in. It was the afternoon so he had already come back from work. Me and Harry both look at each other and then my dad.

"Never" we say simultaneously . I roll my eyes at Harry and walk up to my room. Let's say my room had that punk rock sort of style. There was posters of bands everywhere and in some walls I had lyrics I had painted because I felt it would be unique.

"Why can't you just get along April, geez" I groan at his stupid sarcasm and put my earphones in. Harry was next to my room so I did not want to hear him at all.

One thing that sucked about having Harry next door was his nights. You have no idea how many girls he's taken home and banged right next to my room where I could hear perfectly well.

I shutter remembering how loud they were.

Eww get out of my head stupid thoughts!



A knock at my door makes me look up from my homework.

"Yes?" the knocking continues without an answer. I groan getting up from my bed and walking to the door. I open it to find the idiot.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed.

"Dinners ready" he says with that annoying smirk of his. All the girls at school find his smile and smirk 'charming' but all I want to do to that smirk is punch it out of it's place.

"Okay, bye" I curtly say slamming the door in his face.

"You still have to come out here, you know that right?" I groan while opening the door and passing by him, without forgetting to bump his shoulders.

"Geez someones on their period" I roll my eyes and turn around.

"Someone didn't get their last night fuck" I spit back before going downstairs. Anne had already prepared the table and dad had already sat down.

"April sweety, come and sit down" Dad's acting weird. Why is he acting weird? I sat down awkwardly on the side of the table while Anne and dad took their seats at the ends of the table. Harry came in taking his seat in front of me. This was how we usually sit. It was quiet for a moment which got me thinking that something was definitely up. How do I know this? Well Dad and Anne kept on giving each other glances like they were having a conversation with their eyes. I thought it would stay quiet forever until Dad spoke up.

"Guys me and Anne have something to tell you guys" he cleared his throat but before he could continue I cut him off.

"Are you having a baby!" I directed towards Anne with a happy expression. Her face widens and she shakes her head.

"Oh no! hunny that factory is closed"

"Aww" I slump back in my chair seeing Harry laugh with his mouth closed. I mouthed Idiot and turned back to my dad.

"Well we have decided to put you guys in the brother and sister camp-"before he could finish both me and Harry get out of our chairs making it slide while making a noise. "What!" We yell simultaneously.

The Brother and Sister camp was where parents put their children who didn't get along in. It worked, sometimes, but lets be realistic right here, Harry and I are never going to get along. This is just waisting my time and their money. Harry turns to look at me and then at our parents who are looking at us with a hint of sorry for us. I can already imagine what they will be doing without us here to be bugging them all the time. I mentally shudder.

"But mom, Steve, you can't just send us off like that. I can't stand being next to her for a minute, now imagine.... wait, how long are we going to be there for?"

"Two weeks" Anne answers. "And we have already decided. You two are going weather you like it or not" I let out a loud groan and slump back on my chair.

"Daddy please. Please don't let me spend. two weeks with.... " I turn to an angry Harry. "That"

"Like if I would want to spend time with a boring bookworm. Im just as angry as you are dumb ass" my body flames up and I swear steam comes out of my ears. I can even hear the small little train sound.

"Well I don't want to spend my time with some ego idiot who thinks it's all about him and thinks he's such a bad ass when he's actually a real kick in the a-"

"Stop!" both dad and Anne yell at the same time. Our heads snap over to our angry parents. "This is exactly why we're making you guys go! You can't go a few minutes without arguing. You leave next week and since you guys have two weeks off for thanksgiving you'll be good. "


"No buts. You are going wether you like it or not so you better get packing" I groan and Harry walks up to his room angry. Oh boy next week will be a real pain.





Well what do you guys think? please give me some feedback on this because I need to know if it's good enough or if it's bad so i can delete it?

about my other books deleting. I've decided i will only retype Uncle Harry. but it will take a long time.

anyways thanks lots love ya :D


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