Fresh Start [05]

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*picture of lake on the side*


"Just hurry up im sure its not far from here"

I made her smile? A real smile. I know it was barely for half a second but it was there. I've never seen April give me an actual real smile. It was sort of nice- wait what? Why do I even care. I shake my head trying to get rid of these dumb thoughts. I swear this camp is making me think weirdly.

I grabbed the paddle and so did April as we moved forward and saw the last arrow before I saw the blue bandana.

"Yes! We made it it's over there" I point to the bandana and April turned to look where I was pointing. She furrowed her eyebrows and it was quite funny but I didn't give it a thought as she turned to look at me with shock. "What?"

"Am I the only one that notices the bandana is on top of a tree?" It was true. The bandana was on the side of land, on top of a tree branch. We were going to have to get out of this boat and onto ground to get that bandana. "Shit" I curse under my breath.

"Well let's get over there first and then we'll figure it out" she nodded and as we got closer the tree became bigger. Wow this tree looked smaller from far away but up close it's huge. We pulled the boat over to the edge and I got out first. I turned around and saw April with a hesitancy in her. "oh right your clumsy as hell" she shot me a death glare and I gave her my evil smirk. Well this is going to be fun.

"Here just grab hold of my hands and I'll lift you up" I stretched my arms out and she raised an eyebrow. "Ya like im going to let you help me get out of hear because I trust you so much" I roll my eyes at her. "Fine go ahead" I shrug and wait for it. She stands up her legs looking like jello as she slowly moves to grab onto the ground but she slightly trips and falls on her knees in the boat. "Aww fuck!" She screams and holds her knees.

"I told you" I smirk at her and she just gives me a glare. She stayed there for a while and I knew she was in pain because the way her facial expression changed from angry to hurt. She stood up again and this time when she tried to get up she made it. “Was about time" I roll my eyes and walk over to the tree. Theres no way I can get it.

“Okay so the only way were going to be able to get that is if I give you a lift so you can grab it" her eyes widen shaking her head.

“I can't do that. Did you not see me struggle just getting up here?" I groan and rub my face getting annoyed.

“Well if you haven't noticed your as weak as a squirrel, so it leaves me to lift you up instead of the other way around" She gives me her usual glare and walks over to me with her Index finger pointing at me.

“If you drop me I swear Im gonna chop your dick off" My face sours up.

“Graphic" I hold my private area and she stands there with her arms crossed. I roll my eyes at her and her stubbornness. My hands intertwine themselves so she can have something to boost herself up. “Okay just hold yourself from the tree trunk and boost yourself up from my hand" She does as I say and holds the tree trunk while she puts her feet on my hand to boost herself up. Once she has hold of a branch I pull her up higher and she brings her leg up to sit on the branch. She grabs the bandana that was a few feet away from her.

“Got it!"

“Good, now just get the bandana and I'll catch you" She whips her head over to me with a shock.

“Catch!? You mean im suppose to jump and think that your going to catch me. I might as well just write my wil and die already"

“Will you just shut up and trust me for once" before I knew it she jumped but her hand got caught in something and she lost her balance. Her body was falling a little to the far left and I tried to run as fast as I could to catch her. My hands caught her but my body fell as well as her's. I groaned my stomach feeling the impact.

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