Chapter Five - The Deflector

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"Would you like something? I have orange juice, chocolate milk, water.." I stop listing things as I realize Kit isn't listening. She is staring at a picture frame. I focus on it and notice it's a picture of me before high school. I had braces, knotty hair, pimples, still had my baby fat. Basically the whole awkward package. I sigh heavily and sit down on my soft L-shaped couch. 

"Wow, you look so different now," Kit says looking from the picture to me. "You are so pretty!" She tells me this as if it's something to hear all the time. A blush creeps up my neck and onto my face. I shrug it off and look at the floor. I stand up, uncomfortable with me being the sole focus point. 

"Seriously, are you thirsty, or hungry," I practically spew the words out in an attempt to change the topic of conversation. "Cause I can get you whatever-" She cuts me off by putting her finger to my lips and whispers something. "What did you say?"

"I said to stop deflecting," She told me louder.

"I am not deflecting. How dare you accuse me of something so... lame." 

" You are definitely trying to change the subject." 

"I am not. I am just talking... about things... that don't... have to do with me."

"Uh huh."

"Okay! I was deflecting," She laughs sincerely. "Whatever. Shush." I sit down and pout like a kid caught doing something they weren't supposed to. She walks over to couch and sits down, sighing like she just sat on a little piece of heaven. 

"Didn't you say you had an older brother?" She questions out of the blue. I look at her and nod, she just continues to look at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Where is he?" I shrug and turn to see her looking at me.

"Probably getting high with his friends," She chuckles quietly until she realized I wasn't kidding. "Yeah... he doesn't have the greatest of friends." 

"I'm sorry. That probably has to suck with him still going to high school," She sympathises. "When you first started high school did anyone just assume you were like him and offer you... that kind of stuff?" 

"Um, not exactly. Or more accurately, they just assumed it and kept it to themselves," I explain more fully as I sink myself more and more into my couch. I see her shift her position to get more comfy too. She kicks her shoes off and puts her legs on me, being too tired to complain I just accept it. I slip slowly into sleep, until I am passed out. 

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