It's really him!

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"Oh. . my. . god..." (Y/n) mumbled to herself as Rhydian turned around and spotted her

"(Y/n)? is that you?" he said in a much deeper voice then (Y/n) remembered him having.


"(Y/n)!! It's been so long, I missed you.." Rhydian said in response. "Where were you? what happened? why didn't you find me?!" In response to that, he gave (y/n) a hug. A big one aswell. "Why did you go?" (Y/n) manages to squeak out before tearing up. "There will be time for that later, I'm here now." He replies obviously noticing (y/n) crying.

"I've got to go to science now" He breaks the silence.

"Meet me after school in the forest!" He quickly adds before (Y/n) can say a word.

Ohhhmigawd im soo sorry that this took so long its just christmas happened then new years hit me in the face. Although before christmas I really have no excuse.. sorry? Its really short today but ill try! Deffo. See i write on a phone screen which makes it look big! Seeya in the next chapter!

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