Here is a guide to all our profile works to help you stay tuned!!
The Grimoire: The Magic profile guidebook to help navigate the magical orange world.
Sorcerer's Guide - Magic Dictionary: Every month we publish an article about a magical creature, myth, charms, incantations and much more. If you would like to request a particular topic, go ahead and comment here.
A Bard's Tale - Contests and Challenges: Here is the place where imagination comes alive. Every month we hold mini-contests or challenges to spark that writing spirit within you. Stay tuned for more.
Tales Of Wizardry - Authors' Interviews: Every month we invite an author to join us on the Tales Of Wizardry and have a chat about their story, writing journey and much more.
A Magical Journey - Winner's Anthology: This is the treasury for our contest gems. Winners from our monthly contests/challenges are showcased here.
The Grimoire
RandomAn information book for more on this profile, who coordinates this profile, and insight into the magic that infuses Wattpad.