Texting & real life

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Kayla & sophia


Who is he

Wyatt! And he's coming to watch TV with me.

Be yourself

Is it a date?!

No.. 😓

Play it cool but be yourself

Trust me, it will work 😉


"what movie do you want to watch?" I asked as I scrolled down the movies with the remote, Wyatt was eating the popcorn I made for ME. 

"It," he said and I looked at him, he was smiling to himself and I rolled my eyes. The movie started but I was only paying attention to the rapid beating of my heart.

I reached for the popcorn and took the while container, I heard Wyatt groan in reply.

I never liked horror movies but I didn't want to seem like an idiot so I tried to stay still. That didn't work, definitely not.

I jumped up in fear and heard Wyatt laugh, when I had jumped I got a lot closer to him and I could see his chest rising and falling in an unsteady pattern.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I frowned slightly since it was only a friendly gesture to him, but that didn't stop my heart from doing backflips

"scared?" he jokes and my frown deepened, " shut up " I said leaning against him, he laughed again and I couldn't help but love the sound.

I could almost hear his heartbeat and it was going fast, I paved more attention to the movie and less to my nerves. You couldn't blame me, I've liked him for ages.

Whenever I jumped from a jump scare he would hold me tighter, it was honestly the best feeling in the world.

The movie finished and I sat up, "Wow, you were great in that movie." I smiled and looked at him, I saw the blush tide to his cheeks. Maybe he's not used to being complimented?

"Before I go, I need to ask you something" he said and I furrowed my eyebrows, " what?"

"I um, I.. " he looked lost for words and I smiled at his cuteness.

"why are you smiling? Is there something on my face?" he asked and I laughed.

"No, you're just cute" the words flew out of my mouth before I could even stop them.

I felt my face burn and he started blushing a lot," I meant-oh god I'm sorry!" I rambled, and it was his turn to laugh.

"Kayla, I wanted to tell you that I really like you, like a lot. " he told me and I found myself smiling like an idiot.

"I like you too, a lot" he started smiling at me.

"Do you want to be, I don't know, my girlfriend?"

"Yes! I'd love to!" his smile got even wider, if that's even possible.

"ok, good." he sighed before standing up "I..I should go now " he said nervously before leaving.

Kayla & Sophia

#kyatt is real ☺️

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