Clay Chen

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Clay blinked at the kid in front of him.  He had thought the project would be boring, but at least one of his group mates seemed to be interesting.

Gale shrugged. "I'd rather not talk about it," he said.

"Why not?" Kieran asked. "Did Travis threaten you or something?"

Gale frowned before looking down. "We should probably get started on the project."

"Wait, but what did you mean?" Brianna suddenly asked, "when you said all that stuff about dead students or some shit --"

"And I couldn't have been the only person who noticed that 'O.B.B.' banner," Kieran added. "Do you have anything to do with the past actions related to OBB?"

Clay snapped his head up a little too suddenly at that.

"Of course not," Gale said quickly. "But we have better things to worry about right now, like the project. See, Michelle is the only one who's --"

"You know what I think?" Brianna suddenly interrupted. "I think a group of people are trying to be funny and are trying to destroy this school through the website." She paused for a second. "You guys know what I'm talking about, right?"

Clay stayed quiet, waiting for the others to make their moves first. He didn't want to be the only one admitting to anything if the others knew nothing.

From the looks of it, however, the other two were thinking the exact same thing.

"Oh, come on," Brianna finally said. "You have to know."

"Yeah," Clay finally said. "I have an account." On second thoughts, it would be better to speak up first so seemed innocent.


"Me too."

"What about you, quiet girl?" the cheerleader asked Michelle. "I'll bet you have one, too."

Michelle didn't even look up from her work.

"Rude," Brianna scoffed not-so-quietly. She then turned to Clay. "Anyways, you agree with me, right?"

Clay blinked twice. "About what?"

Brianna rolled her eyes. "About the whole 'OBB' thing. I think there's more than one person involved, and they're all going around ruining the school. First with the website, and now with the physical vandalism. Like that person who destroyed the trophies; she must be a total nut case."

Kieran raised an eyebrow. "How do you know the person is a she?" he asked. "I thought it was a boy."

For a second, Clay thought Brianna looked a little taken aback. Then, just as quickly, the look disappeared just as quickly as she snapped, "He or she, whatever. Gender equality!"

"How does that even relate to gender equa--"

"Wait a second," Gale interrupted Kieran. "Are you saying I'm related to whatever the OBB is planning? You think I'm one of the founders?"

Brianna raised an eyebrow. "Hey, you said it, not me."

"Okay guys, this is getting out of hand." As much as Clay wanted to hear more, staying too quiet might make people suspicious of him. "The bell's about to ring, only one person has done anything this period, and I don't even know half of your names."

Somehow, this made everyone go around in a circle to introduce themselves.

"Brianna Grace, even though there's no way you don't know my name."

"Kieran Devon."

"Gale Khan."

"Clay Chen." Clay glanced over at Michelle. "And you're --"

"Michelle Poulakis," she said quietly.

The others looked shocked. 

"Did you just talk?" Kieran gaped. "I didn't know you could."

The bell rang at that moment, causing everyone to quickly pack their stuff and run out of the room before the teacher yelled at them to put the chairs back in their original positions. Clay sighed to himself as he headed to the main entrance to head home. Something told him his group mates would make working with them a lot more interesting than he had expected. 

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