Caught Myself Slippin

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Jay z

Me and Nye were sitting on the couch watching tv. There was a knock at the door bey was gone out of town for business so I had to get up and get it. I open it and there was


"Jay we have to talk"

She walked in and started my head I was thinking were almost the same but I wanted to know why she was here.

"What's the problem"

There was a long silent pause and I was waiting for her to tell me then she finally spoke up.

"I'm pregnant"


"Jay the last person I had sex with in the last two months is you"

I haven't thought about that in days a month ago I was sexually frustrated because bey couldn't have sex with me.I went to Britney's house but we didn't do anything I went to Rihanna's house and at that point I couldn't take it anymore yeah I fucked her and I'm not sure if I pulled out or not but I did go in raw so it could be mine oh my god bey I have to tell bey she's gonna kill me I was thinking and it was quiet until Nye spoke.

"Bro your life is fucked up you have to tell bey"

" I know......Rihanna let me sleep on it for a few days and tell bey and then I'll get back to you"

Hey guys what do you think bey will do...... okay there is this thing where you comment break or you comment make ......break is when she doesn't forgive him and make is when she does ..... pick carefully because there is a surprise for each one also I'm making another kik so disregard my other one .....oh and this is just a mini chapter I wrote to decide what happened in the next chapter.

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