Hey so..

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Today I (Surprisingly) had the day off. 

There was like, hurricane force winds? And the power went out everywhere. (here, and the town across the river) 

Funnily enough, it happened during first block (which was PE) and my friends and I spent most of that time behind the stage, in the girls lockerroom, running around the gym, or in "The Giant Sushi Rolls", as we like to call them. They're actually just giant mats rolled up, and sitting on the flat part.

It was actually pretty fun

But, anyways, my house doesn't have power currently (Im on my laptop and using my stepdads hotspot)

Wattpad is pretty shitty on my laptop so I'd really prefer it if people communicated through Tumblr (I check it regularly and its not blocked)

So if thats cool just DM me for my user and that can happen

Idk how active on here I'll be, so try to use Tumblr instead.

Cool cool thats it bye


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